
So fucking ready.

It’s not Giuliani? Guess not if there’s actually something filling the head.

I’ll always support the battle against vulture capitalists. Just remember, us leaving is exactly what they want, so they can shutter the sites and move on to their next victims. Today it’s Giz Media, tomorrow it’ll be The Mary Sue, Vox, or The New Republic. They’ll just keep doing it until the blogosphere is nothing

Replying here because I’m grey, so my apologies for the notification, Lantern:

Barry Goldwater

George Carlin. Three times, because the realization Donald Trump is president would kill him again the first two.

Now playing

It’s a normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf, actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf.

yeah. The Saudis are not even in NATO. This attack should be a wake up call to SA and Trump to GTFO out of Yemen. SA has bombed Yemen into rubble, but still the rebels destroyed 20% of the economy of SA in one day. There is no winning in the Middle East.

I get the feeling their office in general is just sloppy. Like all the executive orders are stored in one old overstuffed manilla folder that currently has a dirty coffee cup on it full of cigarette butts. There’s duct tape on the carpet and everybody is always short on office supplies because nobody wants to go into

Don’t worry, sometimes they kiss.

I thought it said “I just whipped your ass!”  Unless that is another famous book’s chapter 3 verse 16.

What I wouldn’t give for Warren and Sanders to come out to the Road Warriors intro, complete with face paint, spiked shoulder pads and pyro. And then they Dudley Death Drop Biden through the moderator’s table.

How much do we have to pay to get a permit to shoot that lion?  All of Mother Nature is basically for sale now, right? 

Once upon a time, when I was working 911 dispatch, there was an art gallery in the local mall that had a McNaughton painting on prominent display at the entrance. I received a call one day from a woman requesting an ambulance because her daughter was having a seizure, and she informed me that they were standing right

“she tells two friends, and they tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and it spreads like a virus.”

Stull, KS supposedly contains a gateway with a stone staircase leading straight to hell. I grew up in KC, and witches and spooky kids would go to Stull on Halloween to hold ceremonies to open the gate to Hell. We heard juuussst enough creepy stories about a haunted tree and mysterious deaths to keep us from actually

I do, however, have an urban legend from my birth location (lived there six months, it counts as a home town, yeah?) Anyway. So, this is a swampy area along the south-eastern seaboard of the U.S. A place not exactly friendly to locals, with roads overrun with sand blown off the coast and crabgrass, with roads overhung

That's where you use pancakes instead of bread.