
Cosigned as a demo from Indiana.

Like that movie Empire Records.

That show used to come on around dinner time. My mom and I used to watch it. One day they did a breast reduction and we were eating tacos with my Grandmother. She turned green and needless to say we didn't get to watch the end. We still harass my Grandmother over it.

McCartneyism was no picnic either. All those beans and not a gas pill in sight.

Gotta have clowns to distract from the really monstrous crap they do.

Here’s a link to the Trejo story.

It was a horse saddle wasn't it? Season 1 when Bran didn't think he would ever be able to ride a horse again?

Does that mean we can bring George Carlin back if we just watch dogma enough?

Jamie the Gooch take your satanic panic and fuck yourself with it.

I'm 36. I was ask those questions just to start high school. I grew up in Indiana. My mom put none of your business on the registration form because I refused to answer the questions. 

Then you'd have to call the royal jizz mopper. 

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a way to divvy up her assets to hide something she doesn’t want to go public.

What assets is she trying to hide?

Come on! You are giving Sorbo way too much credit. I don’t think he’s even good enough to say the stupidest thing I will hear all week.

People want to suck the fun out of anything. I watched the Munsters obsessively growing up. Even those not so great tv movies and the series from the late 80's early 90's. I liked this film and most importantly my step kids liked this film. Am I going to watch this everyday no but I’d put it on as back ground to a

The trouble ain’t that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain’t distributed right.- Mark Twain

Nobody made you Google that. You did that to yourself.

As a rape baby I’d like this bitch to come visit me. She is talking like she represents me. She is wrong. My Grandma wants word. My Mom wants a word. I also have some words. None of these words are nice. There is no healing. Life isn't sacred and god isn't real you dumb cunt gender trader.

You heard about America? :)