
The ones that would vote for him are same people who stan for trump. That gives you a good idea of their level of stupid.

Why does elon always have Ron DeSantis face? They always look like they shat their pants.

I did a little digging and she was apart of Lifespring. It’s an unoffical off shoot of Scientology. She may have been reprogrammed by wack job christians who used people’s weaknesses to indoctrinate in Christianity. There maybe video.

Me! I’m super sensitive to caffine. I pretty much get these symptoms from one cup of coffee.

I walk past a church all the time that has signs for it. It's in Chicago.

A lot of these women and girls don’t have a birth certificate or social security number on top of no education. They don’t exist outside of there community. There is no infrastructure for them to go to as far as they know. They are taught suffering is what God wants. Happiness in the after life is the reward for the

Fine! I will take my step kids to church. We will just go to the church that has a drag gospel brunch!

Bubble tea straws work great too. My Grandma saw my friend’s bubble tea straw years ago and thought it would be good for shakes. She now has a reusable metal one.

I thought I was revolutionary for throwing the little plastic wanna be fetuses back at them. To be 19 again and think I was anarchy.  Hope their bibles catch fire while they are holding them. Good riddance to had rubbish.

Would it even surprise you if she dug some miscarriages up?

I'm old enough to remember when shapewear was called a gurtle.

H doesn’t have anyone to be his conservator. Does he even have next of kin outside his kids? Who would his emergency contact even be? I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t an abusive ass hat.  

They’d never put strippers in The Magic Kingdom. They’d be at EPCOT. That way as you drink around the world you can also see around the world titties. 

The Great Mouse Detective has it all: Smoking, drinking, violence, Vincent Price and stripping mice.

After 15 years in the city and bagels seem to be the one thing that you have to go to certain suburbs for. I have several Jewish friends and during the holidays we always go to the burbs to go to the fish monger and kosher shops.

After 15 years in the city and bagels seem to be the one thing that you have to go to certain suburbs for. I have several Jewish friends and during the holidays we always go to the burbs to go to the fish monger and kosher shops.

Fez put his finger prints on the murder weapon.

You summed up my thoughts perfectly. Be aware of the people you invite over. Some people can’t be bare foot comfortably. I’m one of those people. I bring indoor shoes with me if I know it will be that sort of situation. However I did leave a party once after 10 minutes because it was a bad pain day for me and I

Reading is hard for you isn't it.

The elves are tall. Dwarves are small.