
Have you ever seen the movie Audition? Rope saws and very long needles are a hell of a way to end this mortal coil. 

I ended up with a purebred chocolate point siamese cat. It was my 15th birthday. I knew then is was wrong to buy him but I’m huge softy. I can’t even eat meat. The pet store was going to euthanize him when he hit 5 months. He had 10 days left. He was a great cat. However my mom ended up fighting with the pet store and

Even if we can't all anyone has to do is pick a Republican name out of a hat and do a 5 minute search.  They are all pretty evil.

I love this movie but I swear on my own grave he gets attacked by more bookshelves than demons in this film. When I was a teenager my friends and I turned it into a smoking game. Every bookshelf that fell we smoked another joint.

 Another Carlin not was about Mother nature just created is just for plastic. That one has always made m me happy.

John Waters once said, "Any movie over 90 minutes probably isn't worth watching." 

My grandma said that too. She hates orange mussolini so much.

I thought the same thing when reading this article.

“Not yet! Let’s get through Halloween first. “

That’s the truth too. I watched Hail Satan! last night. It’s a doc about the Satanic Temple and most of those people grew up in churches. I grew up in church too and went through my dark phase. I never really left my dark phase. I just don’t like group activities especially for religious purposes no matter what the

It should say his head not sterling. 

Do you think they think they can reach heaven?  If you do then mother is definitely behind this.

Because that's how big sterling's head is.

I bet they don’t except our kind in space fleet. 

Didn’t they take pics in front of Obama’s portrait too? It was super racist.

Remember when there were those commercials for an army of one. He could have been his own army in the Middle East. You know just test the waters. That’s the thing that makes me angry. These wanna be country kids with money have know idea what real poverty is.  Money insulates you from the bombs and the deaths of

DQ has cherry hard shell.  Chocolate ice cream dipped in cherry is godly. If you haven't may I suggest giving it a go.

It's a great day for old bay!

First place my mind went! What a great movie.

Well we do not want to start shouting at the devil. We may just end up with a live wire. Nobody wants a Dr. Feelgood