
Actually I thought the horse beheading made sense. It the first time you see The Mountain That Rides. It was supposed to show how huge and crazy the guy is. It sets up the background story for The Hound and how he was so badly burned as a kid. HBO didn't add it in. That scene was taken directly from the book. In

My SO, roommate and me talk about this all the time. It's cliche all on it's own now. It's not just in fantasy genre media either. If it's medieval there will be some palm cutting in it.

It was earth day!

Using deodorant on your thighs will do the same thing and baby powder is great too.

I'll be 26 in a month. I grew up in Indiana. Almost all of the girls in school watched Sex and the City. It ran all the way through middle school and high school for the people my age. The more affluent white girls did aspire to be the women from the show. It was their fantasy to be those women.

I used to think that was a weird friendship until I found out she is or was also friends with Joe Francis the guy who created Girls Gone Wild.

I was to start taking them when I started my period. I know that sounds weird but that is what I was told to do. The nausea is from my period not the pills.

I keep hearing about how expensive this bc is but I got mine from a public health clinic for free. I also have major depression so the doctor was hesitant to put me on a strictly progestin bc.

I love Literotica!

I just started Loestrin 1/20 this week so my period is still super painful and I have been puking. I'm on the pill because of my periods. The puking isn't an issue it is normal for me but I puked my pill today. 15 minutes after I took it. If I puke a pill should I take another one? I should have asked my doctor

I do! It's always amazing. I wait with bated breath for their next comments on how my life should be.

I love it when other women tell me I'm not a feminist it's wonderful! Also, I love when women tell me what I can and can not enjoy sexually because it makes them feel uncomfortable.

How do you think we can fix this problem? Also she does seem to be leaning 2nd wave all porn is bad at least to me.

Will thier family band happen to be called Dr. Funke’s 100% Natural Good Time Family Band Solution?

Old Towne Portsmouth Virginia just a few blocks from the Navel Hospital.

I read that in Stewie's voice and it was awesome.

No it means she smoked in middle school.

I guess those kids just wanted to dance All Night Long to their Ballerina Girl.

Why was it wrong? He has been known as America's Oldest Teenager for decades now.

What exactly did she do?