@Snarfblat: Don't body snark Danny Devito.
@Snarfblat: Don't body snark Danny Devito.
@Betty Fokker: Rush Limbaugh=Money
@SomeWonder: I thought she looked like Emma Bunton/ Baby Spice.
I am the only one who read the Miley item and everything melted down to Metalocalypse animation and Dr. Rockso giving Miley cocaine. He does like young girls. The next shot of her being the pop princess clown?
@zayante: I guess I should just go and hang out Hugh Laurie. I've never had a pocket full of sunshine. I might melt if I did, creepy goth kid that I am.
@tripleA: It didn't mellow her out because you would have to actually breath it in to mellow you. That was one of the worst bong hits I've ever seen.
@zayante: There's not enough Slayer in the world to make that ok.
@jemandtheholograms: Sarah Palin is the exact reason why Alaska isn't trustworthy.
@SwishSwishSpit: @Rare Affinity: Harrison Ford was the first space cowboy. Hans Solo was very cowboy/pirate like.
@cleo_le_fay: Don't do it! Don't see that movie. If you see that movie Hollywood will think it's ok to make a sequel and so on and so forth.
@Sooth: That should be terrifying to any woman that bleeds once a month.
@cuidado, llamas!: I like to make myself "look big" if I feel frightened.
@bookling: I told my best friend and she burst out laughing. I ask her why that made so jovial and all she could say is, "Big Wheels."
I just found out my SO is getting me a tricycle for Christmas. I'm so excited. I don't drive and now getting the groceries and going to work will be so much easier. I don't have to worry about falling over into traffic. I'm gonna be rockin on tricycle!
@cuidado, llamas!: My SO and I are just about done watching the series. So awesome. I am sure Cat is the greatest character on a show ever.
@bindskei: Do it! I have had my head shaved most of my adult life and I always feel so empowered by it. Besides it feels awesome. A few days after a hair cut it is soft fuzzy like a puppy. I have long bangs in the front that goes to my shoulders and the rest is buzzed to the skin.
@Jellybish: I'm huge Golden Girls fan. Back a few years ago my best friend and roommate got horribly sick. We called off work and were laying on the couch watching GG dvds when she decided we should drink hot toddies like they do in the episode where they all get sick. Worst idea ever.
@Penny: The only one I ever saw was where it was made obvious that it was a first date and the woman went to the restroom and the guy ruffies her drink in front of a full bar. They did it in different places and only one guy bothered to tell the woman. It made me sad.
@Dorilys: Why are fluffy animals always so unaware of their fluffiness? Maybe he just wants to be loved for who he is and not just for his soft downy fur. I will never know the answer.
@NtotheItotheCKY: What is the noise ordinances where you are? Start calling the cops every time it happens.