Alice in The North Pole

I get that this is for publicity and all, but when I look at trends in the way that we accept things different than ourselves as a society, it always seems to start in our imaginations - which means media, which includes advertisements, I suppose. In my lifetime, we’ve seen a sea change in how society views a number

He should take out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for Joe Bidan’s execution.

I’ve got no plans for divorce, but I have to admit I have a mental apartment where everything is just so and just how I want it and his stupid table/dustcatcher is nowhere to be found.

And fact-checkers.


This will get buried in the greys, but whatever.

I can’t believe we’re still hearing about this.

“Satanic Activist”

There was a lot of truth-telling in Leslie’s commentary, but nowhere more so than when she called Colin Jost a “flat white-privilege latte.”

Someone should remind them that English is a foreign language.

She has RA? I didn’t even know that and I was thinking “dude, my joints would hurt so much after that.” I am 41 and do not have RA, and my hat goes off to her...and then hits Julianne Hough in the neck.

Well, I find it unfair that my genetics have caused me to not run as fast as other runners. Since this is all about fairness and an equal playing field, I insist that all the runners with better muscle structure eat more McDonald’s. 

It’s true, most of Anders Breivik’s manifesto consisted of Joy Behar quotes. But does the MSM report that?? 

Look, I don’t want Biden to win the nomination or the presidency — but I do very much want him to troll Trump every dang day and would like to have many cameras and newses dedicated to covering it. 

but will happily vote for a lobotomized potato if it ends up getting the nomination against Trump.

Honestly, I feel like the only reason people like Chris Cillizza are still employed is because they are capable of playing the “What IF?” game absent compelling evidence—or against compelling evidence that contravenes their click-baiting hypotheticals and eighth-grade quality listicles—without the first iota of shame.


Huh! So the president sees nothing wrong with something he did, in fact he thinks he did everything perfectly and it’s in fact everybody else who interpreted him incorrectly? In spite of the fact that there are mountains of objective reality that contradict the vast majority of claims he makes on a daily basis, he

Based on our understanding of physics sure but could be other things.

I’m not sure why she isn’t the front runner. She’s working to earn people’s vote. And not just the white dudes, who the rest of the field seem obsessed with wooing. She’s campaigning on sound policies. Ten years ago, liberals worshipped her. Now they keep coming up with every flimsy excuse in the world to not vote for