Alice in The North Pole

I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I hope that you continue to treat yourself gently and that you have all the support you need to get through this.

My childhood cat did that once - and we lived in Alaska. We were shocked to ever see him again. Though, he just wandered right back up to our front door, looking completely healthy, and meowed to be let in. I honestly think he just suckered another family into taking him in for the winter.

My great grandfather was Penobscot and participated in life on the reservation, but my dad moved away from the area and my sisters and I never had any connection to the tribe or the cultural traditions/values. So, while I have Native ancestry, I would still never call myself Native and would never claim any kind of

“How did the Duke of Edinburgh die?” That is a dumb headline, even if he actually had passed. He’s 95 years old - when he passes he will have died of old age/natural causes. If I make it to 95 years old, I’ll be delighted every day that I actually wake up versus dying in my sleep.

I miss the Obama family so very much. I desperately wish for them to be super involved in politics and in fighting back against the Trump administration, while also recognizing that they deserve a life-long vacation. They handled 8 years of the worst of humanity’s insults with such grace and class.

I actually just added Train to Busan to my Netflix list a couple days ago, so it’s available there. I think it’s a pretty recent addition to their offerings.

I’m sure she doesn’t care that she got booed. She puts on a good face, talks vaguely about “empowerment,” and then engages in shady business practices, bilks the American people and profits. She and that whole family are pure criminal scum.

That is a really good point of distinction.

You are so right. How could I ever possibly have doubted the purity of her intentions?? Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.

What a surprising and shocking development. I bet her pending trademarks never crossed her mind while she and her family of grifters smugly chatted up China’s highest officials.

The death penalty, and our country’s propensity for mass incarceration, is simply barbaric. Moreover, that a man who had multiple severe mental health issues was ever even put on death row highlights what a failure the system is. I’m grateful the Supreme Court didn’t lift the stay and hope that the other prisoners

All I could think of looking at those boots was how sweat must just be pooling in the bottom.

Seriously - that offscreen offing of Han was some bullshit. He was the best.

What did I just watch? I have so many questions. Was Jason Statham wearing socks in that?

Yeah, I can’t watch it. Just reading through made me cry...

I am dying over that little kid trying to breastfeed his sister! That is both adorable and hysterical.

I completely understand. I’m apparently a masochist, so I will be tuning in...

I finally read this book a few months ago - it is terrifying how entirely possible that kind of future feels.

That is for damn sure. I am endlessly grateful for his sanity in this state.

Some days I can expound on my hate for this asshole in an elegant way. Not today. All I can must is that I hope this fucker gets ousted from office in the most humiliating way possible and causes the Trump name to be reviled in perpetuity.