
We performed this in high school. I kept my script and used it as a reference in a Bible as Literature class in college when I wrote a paper about what an ass God is in the book of Job.

I really love the intro for Angel. The violins and the overall darkness of the credits sequence perfectly sets up the show.

I think so. But I'm a huge fan of Bear McCreary's music anyway. The intro is WAY better than the show is.

Sex and the City. I always expect to hear the plinky music.

He wanted to do films instead of TV. I'm glad that worked out so well for him. Also, due to his departure, we got possibly the most obnoxious character on BSG, Tori.

Me too. My parents were good about it, but friend and family? "Here's your one gift because we don't need to get you two."

Per the movie: Susan Knight died the year Veronica left for Stanford. So however long V's been away from Neptune is how long the blackmailing has been going on.

The first book comes out on Monday.