
@blooptaabi:disqus Oh she's from Texas? I thought she was from Canada now! Y'know, whatever's convenient.

I believe you mean, she's got them thaaangs


If you think spring is coming anywhere near Groundhog Day in a typical Chicago winter, you're in for a sad February and March… and probably April.

This was perfect. Especially perfect as a 3-time Chicago winter survivor (and 16 time Detroit winter survivor). The level of cabin fever you reach really does make you feel this zany.

"you're going to Blais my main man Paul"

In the words of one of our wonderful TV Club re-cappers (but which one exactly, I shamefully forget): "That's some HBO stuff."

That's enough for me! Whenever my friends and I watch reality TV, we use that time to bet on which ridiculous segments are going to end up on The Soup later that week!


"Brandon Nowalk points to Valderama’s upcoming role on Awake as proof that TV always offers a second act."

This episode really faced me with a lot of my fears, and I'm not sure I appreciate it. I love you Cougar Town, but this was not our best week. (Maybe I was in an extra foul mood because there's nothing that pisses me off more than losing to the Blackhawks.)

That bleeding is a normal occurrence called exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH). It's essentially caused by the horse's organs repeatedly swinging against the horse's diaphragm and causing some of the very tight capillaries to rupture, causing the bleeding. This bleeding heals on its own after a couple of