Kate James

By the way, what is Ed Helms doing these days? I suppose he's moved on, but I always liked him on the show. (Yes, I know I could look it up on IMBD, but I'm mostly just interested in what people think of him as a choice, not what he's actually doing. Fuck Google.)

Not a bad suggestion, but every since seeing that one scene in Harold and Kumar where he uses Harold's scissors to trim hair on some part of his nether regions (I honestly can't remember where), I could never see him as serious again. For example, I tried to watch The Namesake, and I just couldn't get into his

When it comes to replacing Jon Stewart, I'm reminded of that Twilight Zone episode where a departed mother is to be replaced by a realistic robot whose looks the children pick out. Rod Serling says - and here's the key phrase - she'll have to be two times better to seem half as good.

I'm sure the changes will be minor - and probably for the best - but I think one of the reasons people who grew up with Sesame Street enjoy introducing it to their kids is that it looks the same as they remember it. There's something comforting in that.

Is that why I'm unable to log in with my AV Club account? Because it doesn't exist anymore? :(

That makes total sense! At times, I've seen Torvi, and at first glance, it looks like Helga.

This doesn't seem necessary.

Is there a connection with Community, or did I miss something?

I miss Shirley more than I thought I would — she never seemed integral to me, like perhaps Abed, Britta and Jeff are. But she did add a certain something that they've not tried to replace.

For the first time, I noticed at the beginning of the credits that one of the guest stars was Maude Hirst. I looked it up, and it seems Helga is actually Michael Hirst's daughter! Maybe others already knew this — but she was also on the Tudors. (I wouldn't have thought of her as a guest star on Vikings, though.)

I thought it was ambiguous — at first I thought she was going to jump off the cliff — but maybe she is just going away?

I did have to "rewind" the scene three times to see if Ragnar actually jumped off the wall. It sure looked like it. But I concluded that he didn't — partly because he simply would not.

It was funny - I was watching this on my computer, with subtitles (I have trouble understanding what they're saying sometimes) and when Rollo was sinking into the water, the caption was, "Eerie music playing."

Here's the thing, though — she's LITERALLY fucking him. Plus, he's hot.

It reminded me of The Two Towers — in a good way!

I don't think she fell for it, though — others have already said, but she did have that, "What the fuck?!" look on her face, and she held back. She couldn't stop her troops, though, and she wasn't going to abandon them. And then there's the whole, "if it's the will of the gods I am to die, well, see ya in Valhalla!"

fwiw, I never thought Ragnar's "prayer" to Athelstan, when he asks if he went too far with Floki, was addressing a predictable failure in Paris. I thought it was more that Floki needs leadership — he needs to be told what to do to succeed. And so, his religious fervor would probably make him think he was

I think the religious angle made it work — like, it may have been anachronistic if she was like, "I know I'm a woman, but I won't be left behind!" But she felt that the troops needed the inspiration of God, and she was the only one who could bring the banner and vocalize what they needed to hear.

I thought his expression was more like, "Wow. She's brave." She looked really stoic, standing there. Almost majestic. He may have also thought her beautiful. But given something that the seer said (and people have commented on here), it made me think a love thang could happen between Rollo and the French princess.

You and I must be the only ones to never have disobeyed our parents. ;)