
We always kept it at room temp growing up, but I buy the spreadable or whipped stuff and keep it in the fridge because: ants.

Not safe to leave butter out if you own a Cat.

People refrigerate peanut butter? It never occurred to me.

Fellow ‘sotan here... I read 68 degrees in this article and laughed. I scrape thin flakes off the stick and hope it melts on my warm toast.

The only problem with those bells/crocks is that if you live in a warmer climate they won’t work. Not so much because the butter goes off but rather if your room temp is normally above the mid 70's or so (such as in summer) it can make the butter loosen and fall into the water.

Don’t laugh, our house has a wine cooler built into the kitchen. I have like two bottles of wine in there, so it sits mostly empty. UNTIL!!!! bum bum BUUUUUUUUUUM. I learned the very secret of life. Put butter in there and it keeps it cool, but comes out soft enough to spread. You know what else goes in there? Fucking

Also in no need of refrigeration: peanut butter.

I hope this is the beginning of the end of the thought (by anyone) that natural hair is not “appropriate” during/for any occasion.

As a Chinese immigrant, a B- *was* terrible.

I wish I could get my hair to behave for a fro but my hair curls on one side is straight on the other and I am so lazy about hair anyway a wig is my usual style staple.

You know...in most European countries, the school lunches are actually cooked from scratch in the school lunchrooms. Naturally, they’re healthier and taste way better than the industrialized crap we give our kids. Maybe that’s where we should start????

Yes, parents should be held accountable for their children.

The extent of the obesity epidemic suggests a systemic cause. Yes, individual choice and responsibility are part of it, but there is clearly something else outside of our control going on.

Ugh. Parenting is hard enough without having to put up with “The Village” butting in every other day.

Yes and no. Parents should be looking at their own habits when it comes to food and their children. Does mom equate food and love? Yet, it can go from this to the other extreme too. As soon as we hold parents accountable for anorexia and bulimia, sure. Parents do have a role to play in their kids eating habits but at

there’s some poverty issues involved with this. with some families, they’re low income, both parents working with not a lot of time to cook, sometimes fast foods is all that’s in their means.

This is so much harder than some people realize. I’m overweight. I’ve fought it literally my whole life. Because of my height, some of it was hidden (when I was 10 I was 200 pounds, but also I was 5'10). There were so many mistakes along the way that I recognize as mistakes and I’m trying my best to get my kids to not

Good job, Gwen! ;)

What if the child’s metabolism is in charge of what the child weighs and the parents don’t have much of an effect? I’m one of those people who can’t lose weight no matter what, and I had a mother who was a dancer until she started having kids. If you’ve seen The Turning Point, that’s close enough. Imagine my dancer

My 1 year old is actually pretty skinny. Most kids his age have baby fat, but he has none. We’re always worried that he’s not eating enough, and yet, he eats all the time.