
I really enjoy the portrait of Obama; the colors are so vibrant and as a result the man himself comes off with the kind of inherent warmth that we know he exudes in real life but that a serious portrait would likely fail to capture. By painting him with a very serious expression against a background of vibrant green

I do wish the face looked more like Michelle. I mean, it’s a cool painting, I love the contrast of the grey and the blue, and I think the inclusion of the flying geese pattern on her dress is playful and fun (as a quilter I am a big fan of that pattern), but the face is just... off. Michelle Obama is a genuinely

I wouldn’t go so far as to say I prefer the new version, but I was really pleasantly surprised by how much I like the new hosts and judge.

I’m preferring the new version to be honest. Mel and Sue are great and all but they got a bit boring after so many years. Noel Fielding is surprisingly likable when he’s not desperately trying to be kooky weird (which he sucks at).

That’s where I was at. I have a few friends that I got into a heated argument on this topic with - my point being: what are we hoping will happen, for people who harass? If clearly expressing remorse and asking forgiveness, if addressing the substance abuse, if going to rehab, if accepting a much lesser-paying

Nah, the Faraci thing never made any sense. And don’t get me wrong here - I’ll be the first to call Faraci a raging asshole (I’m still amazed that Amy Nicholson managed to put up with him for The Canon podcast - I had to tune out because he was so insufferable that I was getting too frustrated to enjoy listening).

I feel guilty, because even after reading through this article I have no intention of ever using a different theater chain., in Austin or otherwise. The experience is just not comparable. The Drafthouse has its own production studio, they go out of their way to elevate new and interesting flicks. Their events are

My little sister has Downs. And I’ve thought long and hard about this being that I’m now 37 and we may start having children soon. And I can’t tell you what my answer is, because I don’t know. And it makes me feel selfish too. Because there’s no one in the world I love and protect like my little sister.

Don’t feel like a hypocrite! You’re making a hard decision, but it’s from the heart and it’s realistic. You know your limits, no shame in that.

I would keep a baby with Down syndrome, but I definitely don’t judge anyone who makes a different choice. There are other health risks beyond developmental issues. Heart conditions are especially common. The expense of lifelong care is huge. I think you can appreciate and love the contribution of people with Down

My nephew is Downs. When I got pregnant a few years later you bet your ass I got tested, and would have aborted too. 30 plus years later - he is low on the spectrum and VERY difficult. So many health issues, in pain a lot because of them, he’s given to violent rages, police have been called many times. Parents will

Lady, you are BRAVE being so honest about this considering the trolls lurking about. If it makes you feel any better, I would probably abort if I was aware of any significant disabilities for financial reasons too. I’ve worked with adults with disabilities since I was 18. It is tough and I’ve seen first hand how

No. You’re being thoughtful and self-aware and honest, at which a lot of people fail.

NOPE. This kiddo is cute as heck, but we would have done the exact same thing. We did alllll the optional testing when I was pregnant and would have terminated depending on the results. And I work with children with disabilities. There are certainly worse conditions that we can’t test for and we can’t determine if

He really needs to take a cue from John Wayne.

If I had to guess maybe he shaves everything but the comb over parts so everything matches and you can’t see the hair layered underneath.

That’s a real cheap shot.

It’s like watching Darth Vader remove his mask.

there’s male pattern baldness, and there’s concentrated evil that results in hair loss
