
I have no idea if he did it or not, but her death wasn’t originally ruled a murder, but an accident. The theory was that she had gone to bed while Wagner and Walken stayed up after a fight. The dinghy was knocking against the boat so she got up to move it (hence the pjs and coat) and fell overboard in the process. The

Or he could be innocent. I mean who knows. I don’t. But surely there are better things about which to be angry?

I agree. I think it’s possible that he pushed her over during a drunken fight, but the accidental drowning explanation makes total sense. The biggest explanation I see against it is that she was scared of the water so she’d supposedly never go out alone in the dinghy, but I know I’ve done some stupid, dangerous things

science says we all actually change how events played out in our minds as time goes on

memory isn’t a tape recorder:->

when they met.....it was murder

I read a book by the coroner who did Natalie Wood’s autosopy (“Coroner” by Thomas Noguchi), and he discussed this case in detail. Now, the book came out in the 1980s, so maybe more information has become available since then, but in the book, the coroner states that he believes Wood’s death was accidental. I read the

Wow, his career is over now. I guessing Christopher Pummer will replace him on Hart to Hart.

She’s a better person then me because I would have just chucked it over my shoulder, like bitch I don’t want this tacky ass gift from your dumbass, walking up here by yourself, because your bitch ass husband doesn’t give a shit about you.

What do you do with the box you didn’t vote for that is filled with lies, and creepy-crawlies, and racism, and misogyny, and xenophobia, and half-digested cheeseburgers, and cheap thin pair of small gloves coated with Just For Men, and a rock painted gold, and a crumpled note that seems to read something like Shrani

Was it cold that day? I remember it raining. Melania has a coat, gloves, etc. while Michelle is in short sleeves. (Also, I love Michelle’s “I give zero fucks” dress.

And then my husband saved the day.

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

Good. Emotional support animals are (pretty much all) a scam designed for people to take their untrained animals places.

never figured Harry to dabble in politics but definitely he’d be shilling for daytime game shows. Could easily see him involved with Monty Hall or Bob Barker or maybe even Chuck Barris.

Paul? No, he joined the Manson Family.

I mean, he obviously OD’d at some point in the early 70s, right?

Of course Harry is playing a board game