This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.
The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.
I can empathize. We were forbidden jellybeans in my household while Reagan was in office. Not even for Easter!!! I was devastated because I LOVE THEM.
I’ll say what a lot of people think, he didn’t do it. I believe the daughter thinks he did it because a highly vindictive angry and awful mother told her it happened.
I think Gaby would be great, but I don’t think she’s old enough for the time period the film would want to highlight in McDaniel’s career. My vote is for Octavia.
To see her performance as Precious and then watch her in interviews show her personality to be almost 180 of her character I’d say she has the range at least. It’s tough to say. A lot of the material she is given is not very good.
“I’d rather play a maid and make $700 a week than be a maid and make $7.”
I’m here for this. It used to strike me as odd that my grandmother, a black woman born in the 30's, had a collection of Mammy and Prissy dolls. Now I’m seeing that this was probably because she wanted to honor women who looked like her and broke down barriers, in whatever way that was. Duh.
Good first step, but not enough. I don’t wanna see this little shit uploading anything onto YT ever again AND I want his existing shit gone.
I overall disagree on Rogen. He was pretty young when he started out in Apatow movies, and over the years I thought he seemed to be more and more interested in getting complex female characters on screen. It seems silly to discuss the feminist aspects of Neighbors 1 & 2, but I think I remember him talking about how he…
I get that Rose McGowan has a unique place in this horrifying story and I’m reluctant to judge her because of it, but I feel like she’s attacking EVERYONE for not being pure enough.
The first season of this show was so amazing and season two really jumped the damn shark. It was batshit and not in a clever or fun way anymore.
I wish Rose would stop with the name-calling. However accurate the names may be, it is childish and takes away from her message.
Once, my son and I were eating dinner, and I asked him if he thought he’d have kids.
There’s also the question of circumstances. Some people feed their kids garbage because they live in a food desert and can’t always swing a trip across town to a real grocery store. Some work entirely too many hours to reasonably be expected to cook, particularly for a large family. Or, more commonly, they can’t…
Can I just say once more how happy I am to not have a kid? I can happily ignore the judgements on my poor life choices without having to worry about everybody’s judgement on ruining a little kid’s life.
Exactly, if one of these men used the podium to speechify, the article would be: “Note to Hollywood Men, for just 3 hours on one night, it was your time to shut up and listen, but you couldn’t do it”.
I am ten thousand percent unsurprised that in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenario, people start throwing their hands in the air and going “fuck it.”