The prosthetic is pretty good; the jawline and lashes were troublesome. The artist needed to add some slack to the jaw. The lashes were clearly powdered, the texture was evident. He should have used a gloss or wax over the lash powder.
The prosthetic is pretty good; the jawline and lashes were troublesome. The artist needed to add some slack to the jaw. The lashes were clearly powdered, the texture was evident. He should have used a gloss or wax over the lash powder.
Love the message too-not a fan of the execution. I was incredibly distracted by the prosthetics. There was no “twist” for me because I already knew something was up from the jump. :/
Totally. And we’re talking about it, which is good.
I feel like whoever is doing the facial prosthesis is the same person who did it for Katy’s Hillary Clinton Halloween costume and they’re kind of overrating how realistic his product looks.
I’m not sure I like the execution?
I find the headline misleading. When I clicked I expected it to be that FB was refusing to remove the video for whatever reason- instead it’s people sharing, which FB can’t be privy to every post. Using “can’t GET FB” to delete implies FB is actively refusing.
Oh Jesus no kidding, right? I lost it watching Joe trying to not lose it. The love and respect between Obama and Biden is amazing. I doubt America has ever seen anything like it in a president and vice president, and doubt we’ll ever see it again. We’ve been blessed.
You and me both. Seeing Joe Biden’s face when he realized he was getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction made me start to tear up.
On the one hand, I would literally give an organ to meet either the POTUS or FLOTUS. On the other hand, I would not want to be filmed being surprised by them. I would be ugly-crying, snot, probably coughing, having an asthma attack, a complete mess. I love them too much to meet them.
Between this and Joe Biden’s Medal of Freedom, I did a lot of surreptitious crying at my desk today.
White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.
Wasn’t it the player piano that every bathroom should have?
Yes, it is a bit like Grey Gardens, only Carrie and Debbie are both completely self-aware, in on the joke, and high-functioning. So perhaps that makes it not at all like Grey Gardens. Depends what your criteria is.
I wanna to believe that she saw the crowd and she knew deep down it was showtime so she came alive.
This was not the feel-good tribute I thought I was sitting down to watch. Very painful and disturbing if you are older (I’m 2 years older than Carrie and she is already dead) and have had to deal with parents of Debbie’s generation who have the same defenses, delusions and dismissiveness as she had - always…
My mom and sister were bonded like Debbie and Carrie. Mom once told me that she felt kind of bad because it seemed like I was being left out but “you just never seemed to need people like your sister does”. I never begrudged them their bond- and Mom was right. I didn’t need to be attended to at every moment. I was…
I couldn’t help but feel for Todd after Reynolds died. Like, she couldn’t live without her daughter but was fine leaving Todd behind. And I know, I know, she was in poor health anyway and it’s not like she chose to die the day after Carrie did. I just felt kind of bad for him.
I’ve realized that my greatest achievement in life is probably that Ms. Fisher once “liked” a tweet I twitted.
The part where Carrie is preparing for Debbie to get the SAG Lifetime Achievement award was heartbreaking. At that point Debbie was pretty frail but wanted to attend and Carrie is acting as her advocate to make sure she can lie down.
If there were peeing Russian prostitutes, you know he would have ordered them to urinate on each other, not on him. He loves things he perceives as degradation and domination of women, so that would fit. He would probably ask them for other kinds of servicing too, but I can’t see him putting himself in a submissive…