
Objectively I’d say what he did is wrong, but I also know that if I had to be in close quarters with a Trump I’d lose it too. Except Tiffany or Barron- I’d try to save them.

I know i’m supposed to feel bad for Ivanka, but I can’t. Fuck her. Fuck her husband. They are going to make billions off the american taxpayer and have no shame or remorse or anything resembling human emotions. I might feel the slightest bit of pity for the kids, except then I remember they’re all fucking rich and

.... haven’t pulled this one out in a while, but; Dear Mr. Lasner and Dear Husband of Mr. Lasner,

People, try not to do stuff like this. Learn to employ loudly-expressed shade in situations like this.

I mean, the dude’s husband is allowed to dislike the Trumps, but questioning why she isn’t flying “private” is both meaningless and dickish.

In a New York Times interview with writer Maureen Dowd, Talley, while wearing a Norma Kamali sleeping bag coat

How do they not impale each other in a group like that?

“Bye, Buddy! Hope you find your dad!”

If you add nuts to the brownies you are dead to me.

Appropriate screen name is appropriate. Hate to sound like I’m taking VW’s side in this but man do I not feel the least little bit bad for them telling this dude to fuck right off.

“I’ve waited long enough already,”

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Gimme a break. Cards Against Humanity itself is just a dirty version of Apples to Apples.

Confession time: I LOVED Garden State. When I was in high school, I must’ve watched that movie a dozen times. I loved that whole “Good luck exploring the infinite abyss!” “Hey, you too!” I thought that was so great. And I definitely bought the whole soundtrack and listened to it many many many times. I haven’t seen it

Yes, an 8-pointed star... that looks exactly like a cross.

Could someone write a complete dirtbag so i do not have to click on every link?

I’d consider Tom Cruise thinking I’m the devil to be the biggest compliment ever.

I’d kind of imagined. I was just kind of remarking on regardless of how interested she was, it’s a really fucked up thing to hang that over a child. I’m sure he’s not just going to be like “Oh, that’s okay dear. You do you.” You know he’s going to take it as a personal rejection and try to make her feel horrible about

Yeah. There were daily hit pieces on Hillary; sometimes for the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. It got so bad that I looked at the comments on Brietbart and Gawker and could not tell the difference between the liberal Hillary hatred and right wing Hillary hatred.

Your intro makes no mention of the way media outlets (including Gawker) tirelessly went after Hillary for anything they could think of (no matter how thin). The alt-right weren’t the only ones conducting a witch hunt against Hillary. Hell, the New York Times used to employ Steve Bannon for his anti-Clinton research.