Very sad. I grew up watching Growing Pains. His parents’ house was across the street from my highschool, next to my friend’s house and I used to see him there sometimes after Growing Pains ended. And he died playing hockey - how weirdly Canadian. <3
Very sad. I grew up watching Growing Pains. His parents’ house was across the street from my highschool, next to my friend’s house and I used to see him there sometimes after Growing Pains ended. And he died playing hockey - how weirdly Canadian. <3
As someone who grew up on Growing Pains, this crushes me. He was one of the best TV dads of the 80s, along with he who shall not be named.
God this one hits hard. I grew up with that show and I adored Alan Thicke as the father. I can’t imagine what his poor son is going through, having to watch all that happen first hand.
I need to be in America now so I can go hug my dad.
“Thicke suffered a heart attack while playing hockey with his 19 year old son,” UGH that is horrible. RIP Dr. Seaver :(
I have a girl crush on Michelle Obama and I want her to be my friend.
Related: their lawyers are makng f-ng bank.
They are also really bad on camera
At company I work for, we have husband and wife that get divorced and they still work at company. At one point, they were with two different companies and married, then divorced, and then one company bought other company.
because Jo is cheating on Chip with Clint
My husband and I often wonder if her voice is a complete affectation because it sounds so flat and unnatural. I swear it is because during a promo, she was confronting someone about something and her voice went down a couple of octaves and had less nasally qualities.
Seriously - every episode I have seen has the exact same “plot”: they find a potential house to flip. She says something wise about the costs, about being careful because [reason], etc. He pays no attention to her and does what he wants (nearly every time this means overpaying for a house they decided not to buy). She…
I always thought they were the most dead-eyed of the HGTV folks. Straight up automatons.
On Saturday morning, Teen Vogue published a sharp piece by the writer Lauren Duca entitled “Donald Trump Is…
I believe it 100%. I believe that Christie made it clear he wanted to be attorney general. And I believe Trump offered him every job but that just to humiliate him.
If they’re typed out on something other than a manual typewriter, who’s to say they’re not accessible through his hacking network?
Being LIKE a smart person is not the same thing as being a smart person.
On the bright side: This means Putin isn’t getting daily briefings, either.