
I found out my position was being eliminated in April but my last day wasn’t until a few weeks ago. I’m glad I was able to get a jump start on trying to find a new job in April, but it’s been very slow. For some positions, I’ve received a rejection email within a couple of days, but others are still in the “reviewing

I think a truly bad job is crucial to realizing that when a job doesn’t suck. I worked at a great company that people would live for stupid and petty reasons but would be back within a year begging for another job. Sometimes you don’t realize how good you have it until you have something truly horrible.

As someone who was recently laid off, I agree with this. I was at the same company for 17 years (and was happy work there), but I’m glad I’m being forced out of my work comfort zone to look for something new.

I worked at Williams-Sonoma on weekends one holiday season, and it was surprisingly one of the best work experiences I’ve had. I thought it would be hell on earth, but the customers were actually pretty nice even when we didn’t have something in stock.

On a recent trip to DC, I went to Comet PingPong as an act of support and resistance. It’s a bit out of the way for tourists, but it’s worth the trip. I highly recommend the Momma-Zu pizza.

I thought it was just a very poorly formed fougasse.

I can’t give you enough stars.

Mine doesn’t numb the eyes. Just quickly taps the eye. I usually have to have it done multiple times because I unconsciously hold my breath, which increases eye pressure.

There is another test. My eye doctor uses some kind of instrument to quickly gauge eye pressure by tapping it on my eye (or maybe my eye lid). I actually prefer the puff of air because I tend to blink when I see something coming towards my eye.

For a moment, I thought it was going to bring Bill’s mom back to life. That her invented memories were so strong, she was going to return home to find her mom there at the end of the episode.

I’ve only watched it once, but I thought it was pretty obvious that she could defeat the Monks with her invented memories of her mom because they weren’t reality. Sure, she had those memories because of the love a child has for a parent, but the love isn’t what defeated the Monks. The fake memories that they couldn’t

That’s exactly what it means. Pillsbury applied for the trademark in 1991, and it was granted in 1994. This was nearly two decades before GBBO began, not in response to the show using the term.

It’s Pillsbury. They actually use the registered trademark symbol (®) after the word “bake-off” in their marketing for the Pillsbury Bake-Off Contest.

The term “bake-off” is a registered trademark of Pillsbury in the US, so the title of the show is changed for US viewing.

Now playing

I hope they play this Don’t Talk PSA beforehand.

I can sometimes “read” in my dreams, but when my dream involves having problems reading (like I’m trying to take a test put the questions keep changing), I know I’m in a dream.

Ropinirole. The first night I took it was the best night’s sleep I’d had in years. When I don’t take it, I wake up and walk to the bathroom every 5-10 mins from around 4am-6am. It’s been a god send. I can deal with the weird dreams if it means I can sleep through the night.

I always use the trigger from Waking Life to determine if I’m dreaming — trying to read something. If I can’t read (the letters/words keep changing, the writing it jumbled), I know I’m in a dream.

I think Dirty Dancing was the first movie I saw twice in the movie theatre. Twelve-year-old me thought it was awesome.

It’s been playing non-stop on HBO for the past couple of weeks. I’m embarrassed by the number of times I stopped to watch all or part of it during that time. (Seriously — it’s nearly 3am, and I haven’t gone to bed because it’s on HBO Family right now.)