
So,there is a trilogy that I recenly read which the first set of bad guys, or maybe just the bad guys first step, besides the fact they knew there was a certain gene that would protect like 2% of the population, but this regression was their plan. I recall being horrified by it there. Here, well basically I was like,

I always find it funny when I both agree and diagree with one of these philosophical ideas. I consciously think of tomorrow as a new day and a different person. Like that I will put something off for tomorrow and will think of how she will react. But every once in a while, I pull into fuller awareness of being

You know, and Chloe might not be wrong about the bus driver. Everything I have heard everyone on the show is just very hopeful but don’t necessarily seem super confident about getting another season (which might just be their not realizing we love them all so much) but the show might just decide its time to really

Okay, my first major thought after this episode is that, if CW isn’t planning on this being the last season, the show certainly is. Or if it gets renewed, a whole new reboot, like that the cure goes mainstream but as it reverts people to even their diseased former selves, Liv chooses to stay a zombie and basically has

A curious phenomenon that I kept experiencing, during every ‘scene break’ I went to reach for my remote as if to fast forward through the commercial that seemed to be upcoming.

I still think its not so much that its her love exactly, and its not exactly selflessness, its more, well, that they both allow themselves to be vulnerable. I suspect we would only clearly get that answer if Maze is able to step outside herself for a bit and, there were glimmers of that in her conversation with Chloe,

My theory has been its not deliberate or anything, but is something that happens at a thin spot or something. So that gravitonium could have caused a crack that will slowly spread.

I honestly have to watch Donnager stuff again (or just read the books at last). But I could see Amos referring to the ship as the Roci, Prax correcting him, and Crisjn says no the Roci is its name. Sometimes I have trouble referring to Daisy as Daisy on Agents of Shield because while it was the name her parents gave

But I do feel like Rociante is its true identity even if not its first name. Plus, my cable description is still calling it that.

I didn’t know if the headless thing was possible with this version of zombies (I did think of Santa Clarita though and, geez, maybe they are the same type of zombies then...also, gasp, if a bullet got removed or a blade withdrawn from a head, would the zombie recover and that maybe somehow we got Lowell back?).

I am guessing the whole point of the videoography is to give Jughead and Betty something to pour over because even though it appears Jughead was distracted in Ethel’s dressing room at likely the key time he likely caught something like Chic sitting there calmly while the rest of the audience was freaking out.

I like how the show is even putting this new name in quotation marks. Its the Roci. Plus also, they will probably be changing the name again soon.

My only complaint about the whole episode was that Proctor had actually been a good bad guy for a bit but this one just had him saying all these horrible things that he sort of seemed to aware of his own racism to actually say. I was enjoying how you could see it, not hear it so overtly and get that this was almost

Okay, this is how much I am paying attention, I thought they saved the power switching guy and he was on board to help. I don’t remember him getting caught.

Mine just paused everything so I finished OUAT and watched this together

I am giving credit to the Magicians who played the cursing game so well that I could think that Sy Fy was like, at least Crisjen is funny.

I think as far as Naomi goes, I can’t really decide on the merits of the discussion and more the lying to the boys. I guess I go with Fred and...um...his right hand who seems like she should be in charge, annoyed but not mad at Holden and Naomi yes kind of bitchy move.

I loved this season so much! I imagine the show realized that Alice was a step behind everyone so that is why she is in the driver’s seat next season. And hopefully she knows her greatest ally is currently ruling Fillory wondering where everyone is.

So, I am suspecting maybe right before bed is not the best time to watch this because....

I’ve since seen more interviews and apparently there was consideration and there is still the desire to do something “on the road” with them, they just have more ideas about Santa Clarita to explore. I know they aren’t anywhere near each other but when Ramona decided to go to Seattle, I laughed and thought, wouldn’t