
Okay, this might just be me, but is any one else at all convinced that, while there are likely other Legion members in hypersleep, there is one other who has woken up and that, for whatever reason, Mon El and Imra haven’t mentioned yet. I sense its because they know what she is doing, but I keep thinking we maybe met

It was, okay, my first reaction was that I was very glad I watched Supergirl live when my initial thought was this (but I decided I could deal with the repetitive Black Lightning commercials versus the ones for Rescue 911) and then also, this likely was always the original ending and almost written in a way that they

I suspect Daisy never paused to suggest and figured her May sanctioned skills would be fine. And I also might wonder if I were her, especially if she doesn’t remember how they put it in, because it inhibits something in her genetics figures its deeper imbedded. Also, the whole Destroer of Worlds thing has to be in

Its possible, though it might be his own plan at this poin.

I figured he was using icers too, actually was hoping because Sinara is feeling betrayed in such a way that she might provide them an out. But, he might not know because Enoch gave him the gun.

It could be (Supernatural on the brain that is, its actually really good this season, but last year really was wearing on me). I had just thought I had read an interview where the writers were talking about Charlotte and everything and then said that there would be some story about whose life they all took up since

I’d be fine with that, but I thought I had read that there is a story behind that, but maybe they changed their mind and just gave Lux an origin story.

I hope that this gets another season as some of this very much feels like kinks being worked out. But also that I feel like, even though there was a brief allusion that there are, in fact, five of them, that we will likely be down to one Cuckoo that we have seen by the end of the season. And, like, weirdly, it won’t

I commented earlier, but it disappeared, but I had thought when they were talking about flashback episodes that we were going to get some history of our main three choosing their vessels or how that came about.

My one sort of disappointment was that I was under the impression that we were going to get some mythology about Lucifer, Amendiel and Maze’s vessels in the flashback episodes.

I like that apparently AOS is saying screw you further to Marvel (besides what I recall of a discussion of them starting earlier because Inhumans was so awful that they refused) and TLJ is the Disney property they will associate with. Or at least witg Fitz and learning to balance his light and dark side. I am glad my

I have since seen the scene a few times, it is Destroyer of Worlds, I have no idea other than the fact it sounds better that she may have been blamed for more than one world’s destruction. What other world, I’m not sure, but I am starting to feel like this is a world where the Infinity War was lost and it would seem

My stupid punctuation screen isn’t natural to access. But Detroyer of Worlds sounds better. Of course I don’t think she did it either.

I have become convinced (since last I commented) that our Fitz managed to cleanly do what Aida was trying last season by first uploading himself to the Framework and making sure it survived and managed to create an LMD of himself that got activated at some point when he knew they arrived. He likely also helped to

Oh, that is a reasonable guess, especially since the Framework still exists that Fitz may have found a way to extend his own life. And as soon as Daisy followed Deke into his little universe it triggered him. I was actually surprised the Framework existed but I was guessing the LMDs were still around.

He may be wrong about the timeframe though since he has only put together history from what it sounds like a recent memory of the culling of people with knowledge. The biggest problem is the voice didn’t have a trace of a Scottish accent. Plus I don’t think the Destroyer of Worlds thing is anything more than bad press

I think part of the seams showing might mean we don’t have long for this set, I bet the space ship is gettig an upgrade. I didn’t think we would get anything more than an elderly Fitz who might be the leader of what was left and who, hell, could be Deke’s father (I am now going to be waiting on him to actually see

They were created in the late nineties and apparently inspired by them but decided to just use the acronym, apparently.

Ha, funny, it was just so a look that I know I have gotten on my face. I also know I start looking distracted there because my mind starts whirling in different directions. Like that I am guessing Daisy (and I) will start to fully believe that idea because I just am having serious doubts that Daisy would do that on

I knew Esme’s secret (though I’m a little curious because if there is only three of them, and that makes sense for confusion purposes that this is post events that killed the first two, but Esme and Sophie are usually the ones who died and right not other than the remaining one’s names begin with P, I, and C) but it