kate monday

That it’s not the most important thing in the world and that it’s entirely possible to feel happy and content without it.

What is something you wished someone had told you about dating when you were younger?

What is something I wish someone had told me? A date where you can decide that this person is not right for you is also a successful date.

i mean, if you can hear a tune and immediately know who wrote it, that’s...worth something, i think.

He wrote the third biggest selling album of all time. It’s a perfectly fine designation.

Surely the Germans have thought of such a word.

As somebody who spent their middle school years living in a house where enough of the plumbing had been DIYed that the cesspool’s location wasn’t recorded, please convey my sympathies to your sister.

At least your sister’s mystery has the poop leaving, and not arriving.

Is it coming out on DVD or something? I’m happy to watch some shows a year late to avoid signing up for services just to watch one thing. Doing that with American Gods on Starz.

So is weed. Depending on whether it’s sativa or indica (although there are studies that say that’s BULLSHIT), weed can “live in the mind or body.” Making one ‘sleepy/relaxed’ or the other (primarily).

Ahhh all of this is making my fucking head hurt. The solution to “diet culture” run amok is to educate people on how to eat in a way that supports and sustains their body, and that includes listing ingredients that some peoples’ bodies can’t tolerate. Part of being in recovery from anything is to learn to manage

The most pointless hill I am ready to die on is that the Beatles are in fact under-rated.

Yeah, like how would they even get all the iron down there for the tracks?

While it would be very cool if the tunnel was used at some point by the Underground Railroad, I can’t imagine it was actually built for that purpose. I think maybe that takes the “underground” part of “Underground Railroad” too literally.

To highlight how we lend more cultural capital to the creative output of white people than POC? Even as a white guy who owns several Beatles records and zero Outkast records, I’m interested in the thesis, and would totally read a longform treatise further making the case.

I mean, if you wanna get specific, do you think Outkast could have written “Because” or “A Day in the Life”?

Yea it was a Cinemax original so it’s basically all action and unnecessary nudity. The plot is essentially that a career criminal (Antony Starr) gets out of jail and happens upon the new sheriff (who no one has met) meeting an untimely end as he is on his way to his new job in a small town. Criminal assumes the badge

It’s Delco, not DelCo.

I would greatly disagree with this assessment. Seasons 1 of The Office and Parks and Rec were both far different and inferior to subsequent seasons, and P&R didn’t really find itself until the total retooling in S3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine started off more fully-formed but like most comedies took a season or so to find its

Pretty sure they live back-to-back rather than across the street, which is way worse.