kate monday

Well, I married someone I met at work, so there’s that. But, dating a coworker (who is in a different chain of command & holds no power over you or vice versa) is fine, as long as the relationship stuff stays outside the office. No one at our work knew we were dating until we were engaged.

I’d think it’d be kind of strange to watch your parent act in something R -rated. Presumably some kids of actors get used to seeing their parents in roles that are very different from how they are off screen, but that might vary from kid to kid.

I’m gradually working through T Kingfisher’s back catalog, focusing on the more romancy ones, less on the horror.  Was excited to hear there’s a new Paladin romance coming out in October.  

I think cub 132's before and after pictures are impressive, but there’s no beating bear 151 - he’s basically spherical.  

I have to admit, I really don’t understand the appeal of prequels.  People seem to like them, because they keep getting made, but I really don’t care how the bad guy became the bad guy; I’d always much rather see new stories with open possibilities than something whose destination is a foregone conclusion.  There are

It does seem to be getting increasingly useless

If you request that they buy a particular ebook on overdrive, then when they do purchase it it’ll automatically get checked out to you.  (At least in mine, but I imagine most libaries use similar systems)

I get that Harry Potter is so iconic that these comparisons aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, but it isn’t like it invented the idea of a school for magic, so it’s kinda annoying that anything in that territory gets an automatic “Harry Potter meets ____” description.  I mean, they were fun books, but they weren’t

Opening handcuffs is really easy - you just need a shim handy (a long, thin, flat piece of metal).  They’re easily tucked into a wallet or something else handy.  It works the same as how you’d open a zip tie - you slip something between the teeth and the thing that locks with the teeth, and then it slides free. 

Fun fact!  My husband and I got to go to the premiere of Blackhat in LA because one of the people involved in publicity had worked with us before and thought it would be funny to invite some “real hackers” - they actually got the tech pretty well, but could have done better on characterization, I thought.  Still, not

Yeah, I think I’ll make a note of this for when I’m less emotionally drained.

I don’t think I like those songs enough to hear them 3 times in a row, but yes, definitely could.  What I love about fairy tale adaptations in general, though, is that those bare bones of a story have so little in the way of actual characters that someone can take them in a ton of different directions, and I really

Some of the usual issues with big age gaps are addressed by how they get together - “how can they really relate/talk to each other/etc with such different backgrounds” is answered by “they’ve been talking for months, so that must work.” But, there’s still power imbalance, and as you say, the actors still need to sell

Slightly different tone, but yeah - definitely worth a rewatch (also on Disney+). It’s bright and fun, and I love the casting in it, especially how they don’t care about race in it at all. Victor Garber and Whoopi Goldberg have a Pilipino son? Sure! It has a more straightforward version of the story than Ever after or

It’s a go-to pick me up movie for me - still in the dvd case with That Thing You Do and The Mummy for when I was clocking lots of hospital waiting time last year.

Not to mention, his power move to get himself ready to be assertive at the restaurant is spitting in the mirror - not the sign of someone who’s well-adjusted.

I think he also has a fair dose of self-loathing, given that his power move to psych himself up at the restaurant was spitting in his own face (which seemed pretty disturbing to me). Will is basically the replacement Nate, and it makes sense that Nate would project his dislike of himself on the guy.  But also, what

I think a key element in the Nate stuff is that bit in the restaurant table saga where his psych-himself-up power move was spitting in the mirror. He doesn’t like himself very much, I don’t think. I think that’s probably part of why he’s projecting so much hositility on the new boot boy, who is in essence the

Now you’re reminding me of that “Beauty and the Geek” show - either my sister or I knew one of the geeks in every season, so we watched more of that than I otherwise would have.

It was sort of weird that the incest-adjacent elements of that letter were almost irrelevant. The real question was “how am I supposed to interact with an ex and their new significant other”, not anything really relevant to the cousins thing.