Katana Hot Tin Roof

Interesting that this article appears at the same time on the AC Club as a top-15 list of films/series based on Stephen King’s writings, and it had The Shining at #1 and did not mention Shelley Duvall (and what she went through for art) at all.

You know why. The author was not alive when it came out.

Yes.  I was that dorky in high school.


(gold star)

Well, sometimes.  Granddad was right about not going $100k into debt for that M.A. degree in modern dance.

As silly as the scab replacement writers of the AV Club even commenting on a writers’ strike.

That, and it’s not a college town.

Plot hole:  why is it a big deal for Logan to buy up local news stations (and require Presidential intervention) if his rival, Sandy, already owns a bunch of them?

Were you going for the irony of writing for the New AV Club, having replaced the old, far better writers?

Done.  Thanks for the info.

Well, if you could post their website information, maybe I would donate directly to them.  

It sounds like your friends might be better off without the hierarchy, which they are free to do.

No. I do know about the sacking of Constantinople, the Inquisition, and that Henry VIII.  They seem like amateurs.

No. I do know about the sacking of Constantinople, the Inquisition, and that Henry VIII.  They seem like amateurs.

Everyone else is dead and the agency has disavowed them again?

I do not ask anyone about their religion, so Mr. Cruise is no different. If someone wants to bring up a Bat Mitzvah story, that is up to her, and I will listen politely.

She also played a young character being at least thought about romantically/abstractly in Beautiful Girls, two years later.  I wonder if there is a connection.
