Katana Hot Tin Roof

Um, Hello! “Brigadoon”, people!

Paris Hilton minus sex tape = Ivanka, i.e., you were not going to be taken seriously the instant that you started speaking.

Will was pretending to sleep.

I hoped for a lot of years that Robert Osborne would get to host the Academy Awards, just once.

Was this some kind of spot-the-errors game or deliberate irony in a passage where editing was mentioned? “The signifcance and popularity of pretapped segments on SNL have rising for years, and 2023 marks a pivotal year in which the editorial crew will be striking. Choosing April Fools Day to start the strike might be

The Pentagon...

Yeah, singling out child stars, I cannot defend. Nuking “The Lonely Lady” or “Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot”, I have no problem with.

Damn!  I came here to say that, only not as well.  Something, something, low hanging fruit, all the jam that I could make thereof, etc.

The Valley of Gwangi was their peak, maybe.

So, this guy just “A Sound of Thunder”-ed the fuck out of our planet.  This would explain Trump.

Razzie for your worst writing of the piece: “While some people don’t like Carrey’s outlandish humor, there’s no denying he’s a talented comedian.” I would maintain that humor is the work of a talented comedian, and the people who do not like it are in fact denying that he is a talented comedian.

I want a special award for John Goodman’s line-reading in Argo of “I can teach a rhesus monkey to be a director”.

Athletic completion?

The tiny total number of comments that this article has drawn, days later, is depressing as hell.

It (nor Picard) never worked for me; too many misfires on so many fundamental storytelling levels, such that I did not care about her personal growth.  Ultimately, both were nonessential.

You knew.

Thelma and Louise 2. Opening scene: the convertible lands on the other side of the Grand Canyon. They turn to each other: “Let’s get some payback.” Danny Trejo plays the arms dealer with a heart of gold.  

“Lagoon” is French for “the goon”.

Perhaps you missed the old days around here, with a writing staff that had a much greater depth of knowledge of their topics.

Because of his genetic engineering sounds fine.