
Our spirit needs to be in good health right?

Perp identity easier to note in a line up too... at least for a little while after.

... were the quarter cuts for experimental purposes only? Because one would only be a single bite for me. Maybe I should cut back ...

...shell out too much money.

...shell out too much money.

Details appreciated!

Is coffee, a berry producer then?

Honey, cinnamon, and cayanne... For breakfast.

Convert em’ to DC electric?

Bummer, but thanks for clarifying.

I know very little about cooking, let alone deserts... But could one splash some homemade lemonchello (grain alcohol and lemon zest fermented) on the sugar as a sort of short term wick and set alight?

This bird knows...

There is such a thing as leftover biscuits?


I also did an over decade without, and its good to be back right?

Those sound like good people treats too.

This seems like a great idea but what about possibly distortions to the conveyed data produced by wear to the road overtime or the variety of tire diameter/pressure/density out there?

This times 1,398.

Im curious about the underground mexican restaurant from the article header image...

I was investigating this, as i was declined state assistance for insurance 6 months last year. I had to pay 350 for that duration on this year’s filings. If I would have been incarcerated those 6 months instead of working, it could have been an exemption... this discovery was, odd.

I was investigating this, as i was declined state assistance for insurance 6 months last year. I had to pay 350 for

Ok, what time should I stop by for dinner?