
indeed a good question. That would be a unique overlap.

I too am stumped... Fantastic finish.

Do the curtains match the drapes? Yes they do...

sounds good to me... and affordable.

... what about beans only chili (with soy 'ground chuck')?


I was hoping this was a step towards establishing future consistent habitation in orbit and beyond. Having the resources at such an accessible location would seem to be efficient and encourage such, but the more I read about this it seems like Acatomic is right...

The concept if the flight propulsion shrouded inside the wheels is an efficient use of space if you ask me. Full size, maybe you could have tire units like the metal mesh ones for the Apollo lunar rover which could give better handling (width) and weight reduction which still allowing internal flight propulsion

I would imagine he diameter of the wheels does give it some ground capability's?

Wouldn't it be more beneficial to leave these materials in orbit, then process and construct 'up there'?

its the closest thing to ice cream that I find appealing. I suppose I should have been more specific... thanks for the correction.

...even though I don't eat ice cream - that is a great idea for its use!

...but, but... the magic dust is the best part...

ah. ok, thanks!

this is legit? Seems like a very safe manner of taking care of these critters...

... that might be beyond my capabilities, but since your shared it, one day soon I will give it ago. thank you.

I can totally see myself trying an even more laymen's version of this... would buying a bag of trail mix and putting it through the same process work too? Maybe add some hemp seeds for the omega?


...cus then you get the awesome bite of super sweet crumbs at the end!