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    I’ve known quite a few Hispanic people who think it’s fine for them to say “nigga”. Complicated racial math indeed lol.

    I hate sleeping alone!

    I think Miley is an exhausting try-hard, but she’s no where near Lindsay Lohan territory. I’ve never heard of her being in any legal trouble or partying so hard she doesn’t show up for work. I don’t know why people think she’s spiraling out of control just because she’s a tacky attention whore. It’s all part of her

    There are so many things wrong with this comment.

    That comment was lazy and senseless.

    They are not Kardashians. They are regular crazy with a c. 

    I don’t think it’s necessarily fake. Hooking up with him doesn't so anything for her career. She could have a showmance with a bigger name. She's probably promoting him to help him out because they're dating.

    Thank you for this comment. I won’t go into my long ass story, but a contributing factor was the way I answered one of the questions. As soon as I said it I realized I had fucked up. I was no a threat to myself or anyone else, my answer just came out wrong and I could tell by the look on the woman's face. I won't ever

    I thought it was good. It was very low key. I thought it was a pretty realistic look at what might have happened after the finale. 

    It was exactly what I wanted to see. I was heartbroken when I saw him in chains during the series finale and so happy when he got liberated. I liked how low key the movie was. I’m glad he gets to live happily ever after in Alaska. 

    That’s...interesting. I can’t say I could agree with that line of thinking. Penises and vulvas/vaginas are different and not everyone likes both and that's okay! 

    Not that gooding lol


    Are they really fucked up though? They’re all fabulously wealthy and as far as I know, none of them have substance abuse problems. They seem like a very close knit family.

    He really went down hill after that Oscar.

    Imagine dedicating a not insignificant portion of your time to trolling a blog.

    They said they redistributed the staff, but Esther has always been here. This article would have been here regardless. 

    I agree. I think it's a lot better to say "I'm still learning" than to just spout off at the mouth.

    ...Are there actually people who think it's transphobic if a lesbian doesn't want to sleep with someone who has a penis?

    Now playing

    Lmao, this is very true. I bet he has actually uttered that exact sentence before too (including referring to himself in the third person).