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    Ellen seems like a nice person who has lived in a billionaire bubble for far too long. How George Bush’s policies affected women and gay people did not and will not ever impact her in any meaningful way. She’s insulated by wealth and has been for many years.

    I commented something similar. Everyone keeps clicking to ask why the constant glowing Cardi B articles.

    I feel like they’re trolling us at this point/want clicks from people clicking to comment that she’s a pretty garbage person.

    Anecdotes are very much valid here. I don't need to present you with a study that shows the % of rape victims who have further contact with their abusers to prove my point. 

    Those reasons have been given.

    Citation is not needed. I have personally known women and men who have had this experience. Read the comments on the last article about this guy where women came forward saying they later consented to sex with a rapist. Turn to Google (I’m sure you can figure out what to search for) if you want others sources.

    I think that was the right thing to say. She doesn’t need to chime in on this. They are divorced. She didn’t have a fashion house that Matt Laur was forcing women to wear dresses from.

    The source article made me tear up.

    I agree with you. I just like to try to pin point exactly what people are trying to convey when they say things like that. I think it can help them think a little about what they’re trying to contribute to the discussion and whether or not it’s really relevant. Are they saying they think it’s a lie? Or are they saying

    Thank you!

    I get what you’re saying, but it’s ironic he talks about other people’s looks negatively ALL THE TIME.

    They have a son, so she definitely fucked him at some point. I can't imagine having to pretend to like banging that man omfg.

    Saying you didn’t understand their actions in addition to giving condolences was unnecessary and tone deaf in my opinion. Not trying to be rude, just want you to know that may have been hurtful to someone saying they already had shame regarding something. S/he is definitely not alone in responding to a sexual assault

    I'm so sorry this happened to you. I pointed out to someone else that this is actually a very common response to being assaulted. I hope you have had good people around you to help you heal. May you have no shame. 

    I missed that part. That's also very frightening. And if you wait until the US to report, evidence would be gone.


    I love how people think that if she had a consensual (and I’m using that term with hesitation) affair with him later on that makes the first time not rape. If you're saying you just don't believe her, that's one thing (and it's problematic because there are people who later consent to sex with someone who previously

    And even if you had said yes to kissing, that doesn't mean you were consenting to anything else!

    If she’s telling the truth about the first encounter, that was rape. No amount of consensual sexual contact they had later makes it not rape. If you're saying you flat out don't believe someone can be raped by someone and later have consensual sex with that person, well, we just disagree. I find the allegation

    I don’t know how to tell you this, but nobody is replacing the Kardashians.