
Actually, that is exactly it. Live a life of sin, but absolve yourself of your sins and repent and the lord will forgive you.

I hear ya there. I had a 97 Expresso that I loved dearly. One of the best handling cars I’ve ever driven. Ex-Wife got it in the Great Divorce of ‘03 since it was the only car that was fully paid off... 7mo later after she kept letting her new man drive the piss out of it.. it finally blew the HG.

Except the only thing that makes Natives “Native” is they were here before the Europeans came over... but they are most definitely not indigenous to this land. DNA has proven time and time again they migrated across the land bridge and settled into the northern america’s meanwhile, displacing other people south into

I did this same thing in my 99 XLT 4x4 Ranger... less than 2K on the clock. When I overshot the entire truck just shut off. I pulled over and started it up no problems. Must have been a safety feature.

It’s BS like this... that makes people just wish California would fall into the Ocean and get it over with...

The problem with this is systemic. Courts all over the United States are sentencing mentally ill patients to jails and prisons that are I’ll equip the to deal with them because they are a jail/prison... not a mental health institution.

Finding a Lawyer to represent you wouldn’t be a problem... hell you can find a lawyer to represent you for suing a pig if you wanted too... just got to pay that massive retainer up front and legal fees.

because they are buying back a complete car. Not half a car. Like VW said in their statement they can still flip the car to a area not effected, or not caring about the emissions... this basically makes the car scrap value.

“Now please understand, I am not really picking sides here. I just find it amusing when people are outraged at backlash of this nature towards VW. VW really did screw this guy over, and it may have caused him a bit more grief than simply having to replace his car.”

The way I see it, VW is buying back a car... Not half a car.

No, technically he is not. VW is buying back a car... Not half a car.

I don’t really know about this... on one hand it appears that the Dealer Guy is attempting to defraud VW in itself. VW is buying back a car.. not half a car.

I don’t really know about this... on one hand it appears that the Dealer Guy is attempting to defraud VW in itself. VW is buying back a car.. not half a car.

You do realize that Latinos fall under the category of white...

Isn’t your job to buy/sell cars for people? People paying cash for a vehicle kind of puts you out of a job... sounds like this article is geared towards keeping your incoming coming... really biased to me.

Maybe they speed up to get out of the OTHER LANE because they have to move over to pass you. I worked for an independent contractor in Vegas for Cox Cable. We had to call and get permission to block a lane. As for our spacing... the first cone was on the rear corner.. his last cone should have been the second... he

How is only serving 17% of an entire Sentence.. “A significant term of punishment” 

Sorry, but that comment really makes it like You are being the myopic one here. You yell at people not seeing your point of view but brushing theirs off.

I love my Garmin Dashcam 2.0... cost me $99 bucks at my local Cabelas