
Boy, aren’t you the selfish little bitch? How dare someone not consult YOU when they made a decision. Just because you are family does not mean you have any right what so ever to determine how someone else lives their life. You are such a hypocrite!! Also, learn what the word Egotism means, because you are so wrong in

It might be, because even though Sansa had a lot happen in her life... Nothing really happened to HER. She could have deluded herself, that she was fine.. Now.... this act brought it off the porch and into her own house. She was no longer just watching it all happening, she was a part of it now. I think this will be

No Viggen Parts.... No Viggen Powers!!!! Must have been hit with the Deviggenizing ray.

I was born in '78 thank you.

When I got married and left the military I found myself needing a second vehicle for work. Enter... My father in laws old "reliable" 1970-something Datsun B210 4 door sedan. It took about 5 miles to get up to 60, the shifter was exposed so you could watch the road as you shifted. rain, slush, loved to pop up through

Speak for yourself... I loved Gnomeregan.

Tired of people using inaccurate terms for Gardner's death. He was not choked to death... the hold was held for approximately 4.3 seconds. While yes, it was a unapproved and untrained technique anyone in the medical profession will tell you that is not enough time to kill someone. The fact that this dude was

damn... and I am still waiting on the 3rd season of Sekirei...

wow, can you repeat every single inflammatory and untrue remark made by a tabloid rag?

I think even the cast and crew see the writing on the wall. Even if they manage to have Top Gear for another series it will not be the same, it would have lost that spark, that panache that it had. The new series would be to busy trying to reinvent itself or playing catch up with its past. By Some miracle if they

Well, I am saddened at this news.....

It is a whole new revamp of the Dungeon, with new bosses.

I was actually hoping you had bought this to turn it into a beast... and drop a HEMI in it.

See, I know it's the hardened life in me, but I simply cannot feel any sympathy for the last letter writer.

It's Not. Athena and Game of War has been around over a year, Kate Upton only started doing Commercials for the Game in the past few months.

Netflix does indeed have a lot of good Anime.. I just got done watching "Freezing" which I really enjoyed but in my opinion...

But the Big Question not asked... or answered.... How much?

Can't say I would know what fictitious Union your trying to imitate, but as far as I know, no Union including my own Union (Teamsters local 696) can save you from flat out refusing your Job.

I would assume because US Service Members are given crappy pay, horrible working conditions and the good ole boy system is high and used often. Fit Reps rule the world and quite a few supervisors and higher ranking individuals love to point this out when treating their subordinates like utter shit. Unionizing would

Just because fatalities (the only thing used to rate the job as "dangerous" does not mean that Law Enforcement, Fire Fighting, Corrections etc is NOT a dangerous job. Wake up and pull your head out of your ass.