
It’s not a moral objection. It’s just more of a dumb idea. It’s hard to find confidants if the majority of those in this game of car and mouse are for your target’s success.

My character would say something hyperbolic like ‘the only true deterrent to hacking is free accessibility to all information”

Many years ago, a hacker stole source code of the yet unreleased Half Life 2. He then proceeded to create images using the characters that were... salacious at best...

Of all guys to do this to, CD Projekt Red doesn’t seem like the best choice. The world seems majorly endeared to these guys and this bullshit probably won’t be tolerated by the Internet Hive Mind.

To be fair, I was actually surprised to see some completed listings for my game (recent ones) at much more than what pricecharting had listed. It surprised me, tbh. But whatever. I guess this is all Moot cause I’m not selling them yet anyhow.

I appreciate the flash economics lesson. Just stating that there are VERY few of these sold on eBay and it seems the system suggested has chosen to pick the lowest offered price, regardless of extenuating circumstances. So, it seems oddly low. Especially when there are potential viewers of bidding as high as $800

I knew a guy with the 3D helmet by Sega. Sadly, he had misplaced a few parts and wasn’t into gaming enough to get them replaced. I was so obsessed with it I pleaded for him to get new parts to no avail.

I had not. Those seems surprisingly low for an unopened 20 year old item. After I typed the comment I took to eBay again (checking every so often) and saw completed bids on seemingly higher prices for those. But I guess right now is just a buyers market. Might as well continue to hold on to them!

What I remember loving about this game was how the world was laid out. It felt like there was a legit hub section and each new section fed off of that. It helped prevent linearity. As well, I remember it being so cool to test out he new Gaines abilities in the hub area to get collectibles.

Btw, it still has remnants of the FAO Swartz pricing sticker on the back. Haha

I’ve been trying, and failing, to discover what my unopened copies of some SNES games would go for.

There were PS1 games on the PSP even without a second shoulder button. Work arounds can be done, and often times can be very good.

The Richard Spencer Punching simulator I’ve been begging for!

I end up using my Switch every day, both docked and undocked. I walk around the house with it, even. I work from home, so does my girlfriend and we have 2 dogs. I’m sort of constantly moving around and, thanks to a Japanese eShop account, have a lot of great games.

It took me FOREVER to get into the game. I didn’t like the art style or the story structure. But I don’t know when things clicked, but it just happened and I was totally hooked!

Would you say this film is more heavily influenced by the Animated films or the Stand Alone Complex series? I honestly believe that, story wise, the Stand Alone Complex and Individual Eleven are much better tales of humanity within this future...

What formats have you tried? Any chance you’ve given it a shot on an ipad? I feel like that would be such a great method to play it

I mean, I’m not making a lot of money, especially for LA. But I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t eat out, I rarely buy new clothes... I mean, I even incubate my own yogurt and make my own granola to better optimize my spending.

One great way to insure some financial stability is to have bottom lines and methods in place to keep those in check.

What area of the world you in?! If you’re US I’m amped cause then I should be getting a call very soon!