
Eh, gotta admit, I'm more into the monitor if I can, since it has stinger blacks, better refresh rate, sharper colors, even if they're both 4K. But the sitting arrangement, while nice, isn't exactly relaxed at my desk. So, it's nice to hit the couch. I don't blame him.

I mean, skmeone’s gotta mod that in... Right? Probably in time for the performance patch people are saying the game could use...

I actually didn't know about the lack of game pad support! That's weird and slightly a bummer. I feel much more like a badass general when at my mouse and keyboard, but it is sweet to lean back, take a moment and ponder moves while in my arm chair

Not to be a douche or nothing, but the game just came out on PC and I was pretty bummed you mentioned a prison break in the game without my having got to it. I'm not a big anti-spoiler guy, but I was kinda caught off guard. :-/

Aaaaaaaaaand purchased.

What I wouldn’t give for US to be as into DQ as the Japanese are. I would be all over this.

Very very smart. Sony has been doing a great job in pivoting it’ business structure over the last few years. It was a distinct moment for Sony as they began to falter in their hardware and PC business. Amputating hemorrhagic departments, selling unnecessary stock, production lines and real estate. Now, they’re

Lugging could use some backbone. Maybe then he could've made a move on Paper Princess

Isn't the new Mario and Luigi coming Friday?

How freaking hard can you OC your setup, dog?!

I was for sure day 1, and 3 of my friends were too. This is something new and potentially as game changing as 3D graphics entering the mainstream. I want to be a major part of this and the over abundance of Rift preorders shows that many people feel the same.

And I think this means I should plug back into Assassin’s Creed. I sorta left the series after 2, which was awesome. Played a bit of 4, cause I got it super cheap on WiiU, but this new one looks amazing on my new PC. Would be a fun choice post Witcher

Box Boy is a little known puzzle platformer from the 3Ds digital store front. It is amazingly clever and fun!

Fallout 4 is the first in the series I was explicitly let down by. Honestly, it was really missing something for me. And, while I loved Just Cause 2 to death, I have held off cause it’s buggy, but I hear mixed things.

Thank goodness it ain't my job!

Tough lists to make. You guys did a damn fine job.

That’s actually not terrible at all! But, after getting back into the game after a long time outta the PC world, I love having a tower under my desk with a large amount of extra space, quietly whispering “options, my boy... Think of all the options...”

Hey Luke, any chance you got one solid piece of advice for entering the Strat gaming realm again? Built my first PC in 15 years and find the whole genre intriguing and fucking exhausting!

Came here to say you’re one of the few editors with my taste in music and sense of humor.

The annoying thing is, the World Wide release date (which they’ve specifically stated they’d like to do) could be thrown off by a few vocal Japanese gamers! It’d be a bummer to get the game later than we could because of this survey.