I wish I could recommend this about 700000000000 more times.
I wish I could recommend this about 700000000000 more times.
Nah, it was a better movie when it was called “Dances With Wolves”.
Crap. I just realized I’m old. I don’t recognize a single artist on that list except Childish Gambino.
Pardon me whilst I dust off my rocker and start yelling at the kids on my lawn.
My kid texted the news to me about 10 minutes ago. This is one of his best.
I tried watching until I realized I’m living it these days so I stopped. I don’t want to spoil the ending in real life.
Sadly, I’m only partially kidding....
That’s rather damning with faint praise, isn’t it?
Guy...is that you?
The news of her crossing over makes me sadder than I thought it would. I’ll be forever grateful to the brassy badass that was Mamie Dubcek.
I must disagree. June’s willingness to leave Hannah was based on her misconception that the child would be safe and cared for simply because she was a potential wife/childbearer. The mutilation of Serena because of a simple act of defiance coupled with the horror of find out that Eden’s own father turned her into…
She didn’t leave because Hannah was still in Gilead. Period. Hannah was safe as long as Fred had a happy Serena and his facade of home and hearth was solid. June knows Fred is as sterile in power as he is in sperm. Any pretense of protection for Hannah pretty much blew up with Serena opening that pored-over bible…
I gotta tell you the $29 I spent on “The Expanse” season 3 is some of the best-spent money of 2018. Very much worth dropping the extra coin. Promise.
Please ghod, no poetry!
My money is on either Amazon or Hulu grabbing this one. SyFy has a long history of canceling great shows...they’re kinda like the Mandy Patinkin of networks.
Amos is the new Daryl.
“If that doesn’t sound tiresome to you, try running a D&D campaign with a paladin.”
Damn skippy, girlfriend! I’m 57, fat, and unapologetic about ANY of it. Drives everybody I know insane. Fuck ‘em.