I wonder what the agreement’s view on GPS tracking is. I would be pretty pissed if a car owner was watching my movements but then again I’m American and this is German.
I wonder what the agreement’s view on GPS tracking is. I would be pretty pissed if a car owner was watching my movements but then again I’m American and this is German.
Da ting go sskrrrrrrrrat...pat pat pat
It’s like the old saying goes, a rolled Porsche gathers no moss
He drove a Maybach?
They should call the new driver Sensational Transportation Investigation Gentleman.
“It’s all begging a huge question. Is Tesla doing all this dazzle just as a way to raise more cash?”
Clearly Stella doesn’t know any flight attendants. I worked with one at a wine store after she’d retired. She said that no matter what, remember 2 things on a flight.
Thank you for clarifying, this is good info.
Nico’s Claim: “I’m a firm believer that genetics are quite a big part of this... I would probably say 66 percent genetics, 33 percent nurtured...”
Alanis’s counterclaim: “But Nico, you didn’t become so good at driving in open-wheel racing’s top level because of your genetics...”
So is this an opinion piece or journalism or what?
I can’t speak to Mazda, but I sold FIAT for a while and the accessories from the official FIAT/Mopar catalog had almost zero margin in them. We stopped putting the catalog out because we were spending so much time talking about things that would generate no profit for us.
Good, it’d been too long since a good ole’ fashioned Ferrari quit threat.
I hope Liberty calls their bluff.
Realistically this tax credit only helps the wealthy as it is. Very few low-earners are able to take advantage of this on the retail side.
Still, it’s undeniable that it would have a negative affect on the manufacture/wholesale side which would certainly hurt job growth.
I fail to see how this benefits anyone other than…
It’s probably some permutation of the anchoring effect. Except, like everything in the dealer world, it works in reverse. When a shopper sees MSRP, instead of anchoring to that piece of info, they anchor to “this dealer doesn’t negotiate”. Where if they see “call for price” they anchor to the idea that they’ll haggle.
Because it’s a $100k+ vehicle, so one would hope that they’re using slightly higher quality materials and design than a Hyundai Elantra or Ford Focus.
Let the truckers merge. If they have their blinker on, it’s not to inconvenience you. They drive more in a month than you will in a year. They drive more in a year than most people will in their entire lives. There are truckers who are in the 3 million mile club. That’s not just that they’ve driven 3 million miles,…
People who are less car savvy and less satisfied with their purchase experience are more likely to report minor issues as major ones. Satisfied buyers and fanatics are more likely to trivialize major issues. Way too much room for subjectivity, considering we don’t know much about the sample population for CR other…
I have no qualms with how CR rates FCA cars. Never have. They are pieces of shit with incredibly disparate build quality from car to car.
Full disclosure: I sold cars for 6 years, selling new FIAT/Alfa Romeo and used cars.
There’s a major difference in the availability and demand for a 997.2 GT3 RS and a virtually base model R8. I believe a single year of R8 production eclipses all 997 GT3 RS production ever.