
Let’s not forget that Musk has openly discussed skipping the beta phase of testing with this car. They moved straight to production and worked out the issues on the production line. Now, maybe they’ve got this whole production thing covered and there are no issues. But maybe not. And given that we know for a fact this

Theoretically yes, because the right to bear arms is codified in the Constitution whereas no such right to driving exists.

Funny you write this, I was stuck behind an erratically driven GLC the other day and as I cursed the behind-the-wheel-texter, I had the revelation; they’re just Sport Utility Sedans.

You should be clear, Tom, that the primary person a bad survey impacts is JUST THE SALESPERSON. Finance guys’ bonuses and comp are not tied to surveys at all. Typically it’s just salespeople but occasionally the dealership as a whole will take a small hit.

Forgive my use of a soapbox, but this is related. I know that the U.S. is really bad about regulating speech, which is awesome. However, I think when it comes to something as heavily regulated as the gas industry, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to force gas stations to use firm nomenclature for “premium” gas.

I used Hooked on Sulfonics but it didn’t get me into Battery University, what gives?

“Hey dumb person, I’m gonna decide how you get to spend your money because I’m demonstrably smarter than you.”

And skidpad figures available?

I miss my Uncle Ayrton

Well considering the typical disposal method of fighting bulls is the slaughterhouse, I think Lamborghini should have a strong presence on this list...

Used to be that you could look at the VIN plaque on the car to make sure you didn’t buy one built on Monday or Friday, now you’re telling me we’ve gotta figure out if the car we’re looking at was built by an actual assembly line worker or just some hyperactive CEO?

Aside from a couple dozen horses, what is the value proposition in spending a couple thousand bucks more for one of these compared to the Civic Hatchback Sport? More utility, less power by about 10%. If the point of the Si is that it does “everyday” better than other “everyday sporty” cars, why not go for the one

Whatever engineer or designer put the oil filter for older Subarus amidst the exhaust manifold clearly had no experience wrenching on cars.

Yes, but emails.

Sad to see, my fiancée and I got engaged very nearby a couple years ago. I can’t say exactly where because it was on a cliffside with no cell service and we couldn’t get anyone to take photos until we got down to the Elephant Seal rookery, but I remember it was just past Pfeiffer Beach and before Limekiln State Park.

Even with a complete nitwit at the helm, the cat-like Range Rover will always land on its feet. Truly the best all-roader...in the wuhhhhhhhlld.


Maybe the author of the post wants to flood the seller with $1500 offers so the author’s original offer of $1800 doesn’t seem so far-fetched. Also, hand me my tinfoil hat so Lee Iacocca can’t hear my thoughts.

It seems totally reasonable that the casino should freely distribute the name and home address of the TRUE winners of the Rolls Royce. Just for the edification of the wronged parties, of course. Who may or may not want to visit the true winners. To...admire, yeah, admire their justly won Rolls Royce. Definitely not

A very important element in the pre-purchase inspection is the consultation with the trusted mechanic so the mechanic is keyed into the expectations. Any good mechanic can find $1500 minimum worth of shit that COULD be replaced on a nearly new car, but a great mechanic will understand your goals and the situation. If