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This gives me the feel of Quigley Down Under’s pivotal duel at the end.


I’ve got a college buddy who worked on this wreck for years. We’d meet up at weddings and the like (since we lived half a country apart at the time) and when we eventually got to the “how’s work/school going” conversation, he’d make everyone else look like a loser when he’d respond with something like “Oh I was diving

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage everybody to watch Black Sails. Easily one of the best shows in the last 10 years.

Well said.

Jenkins could be the Warner Sister Dot.

With the exception of “IT” I’m not sure they’re big hits. They’re financially successful...which I guess means a lot for DC.

I wish... But it’s Warner Brothers, not Warner Sisters. Bros before huge sucess and a great vision for the character.

I think the previous business model was to show Zack Snyder a comic book. Then give him some cheese before bedtime, and film his nightmares.

I wonder more about the 2nd person to try certain things. Like Anduillette. First time, I get it, you’re hungry/bored. But it tasted like shit, why did you do it again, and how did you get someone else to buy into that?

As a Latino, I am offended by the implication that my friends and family that live in LA are so weird and scary to privileged white film makers that they literally turn us into mythical inhuman monsters in their film.


I know I wasn’t the only one who shed a tear in my theater when R2D2 played back his original message to Luke. *sniff*

If you’d bought a carton of milk the day this movie was released, it’d be spoiled by now. You cannot reasonably expect everyone to avoiding mentioning the spoiled milk now.

Literally, the first thing my friend said as we left the movie was “thank god it was the real yoda.” Talk about hitting us right in the childhood.

GUH!! Spoilers, guys! Instead of “The Painstaking Work The Last Jedi Put in Resurrecting a Classic Star Wars Character” couldn’t you have said “We Have An Article Related To A Thing That May Or May Not Have Happened In A Movie Released Some Time Recently”???

Pretty good it looked.

If you just watch the movie for what they are, its just entertainment and the world would be happier.

I’m the opposite. The direction that the story was headed after TFA was predictable, boring. Now, there’s a lot more uncertainty about what the next story will be, which is far more exciting than the hinted eventual redemption of Ren, etc.

THIS so much. I was expecting 9 to be a thematic retread of ‘Return of the Jedi’ but after ‘The Last Jedi’ torched our preconceived notions to the ground, I have no idea in Hell where Episode IX goes and THAT is exciting.