If he was going for irony--it’s hard to get that across in short form. This was a pretty stupid move, regardless of what he genuinely believes.
If he was going for irony--it’s hard to get that across in short form. This was a pretty stupid move, regardless of what he genuinely believes.
Take your damn star.
This goes on much longer, we won’t need one. She’ll just start saying that shit out loud.
Steve King has long been a leading candidate for Worst Person in Congress.
Your boyfriend has to take you out of a restaurant when you start to have a meltdown?
Nah, he wasn’t worried about the cussin’. He specifically mentioned ‘inclusion’. If he was concerned about the ‘fuck’, he’d have mentioned ‘civil discourse’, or some other sort of fuckery.
Only if he hadn’t done due diligence.
Because .08 is not a magic line. It’s not .0799 = PERFECTLY FINE and .80000 = ‘way too wasted to drive for the next 12 hours.
Problem is, they are often the ones with legal jurisdiction, and the local PD will kick it back to them.
LW is a man.
No. He’s not insane. He knows what he’s doing, he’s not hallucinating, he’s not having psychotic breaks. He knows what he did.
I wonder what Cote de Pablo might have to say.
I wonder if, on NCIS, he was part of an ensemble cast. Mark Harmon was the big dog in the room, and by all accounts, he’s a decent guy. When Weatherly got his own show, where he’s the star, his ego and arrogance were unchecked.
An early story says ‘natural causes’. The other department is investigating to attempt to avoid the appearance of wrongdoing.
Jail. Blackballed from other tech jobs.
Two things: if you need to be told to keep your hands off the genitals of your co-workers (while at work), you’re the one in the wrong. I am absolutely certain that any dude who told these clowns “Don’t do that to me,” would be mocked and ostracized.
I scrolled past, then it clicked and I came back to give you your star.
Possibly a heads-up to playgoers was in order.
Poor impulse control, lack of brains, and a sense that the rules don’t apply to him, is my guess.