
Hell why complain. You got a section of the lawn cut for free.

you gots to be perfect, not problematic. zero tolerance, unless you’re cool, funny, quirky cool.

Down with horsepower. Up with weight.

So they took the 1040EZ form and printed it in landscape mode. Got it.

Gotta say I actually like American Pharoah better.

I’m not an expert by any means, so I won’t weigh in on whether or not I think this is a rip-off. What I will say is that this response.

After listening to the track...Um...Donald, you need to speak on this, sir.

Obama wouldn’t go on a Twitter rampage and make this farce into a multi-day “news” story.

Are you now, or have you ever been not perfect? Have we got a hit piece for you.

They had to change the name of “gaslitr.” Too many thought it was advocating for the metric system. It’s now just “gasLite.” 

There are plenty of dating apps for them: bootlckr, grovlr, synikal, gaslitr...

Without the refinement and quality. So not a Lexus,a lexis.

All these emails really show are both Tripp and Musk behaving like idiots.

You could just save your money and fix the VW 135k is not a super huge amount of miles. Dump some money into fixing its problems, then in a few years give it to the kid, it won’t be so yuck when it’s either this or get a job you freeloading brat and buy your own car. Then go buy yourself a midlife crisis Corvette.

I really want to believe that President Trump has an enormous heart. Nothing would make me happier than to hear that it’s true.

Trump would totally split that baby.

Just a reminder of the “point” of all this to Trump

Hell, he went so far as to SABOTAGE her fundraiser by claiming that she had exaggerated her injuries. I hope like hell she sues his estate and gets all she can.

I’ve been conflicted.