Karma Charmander

Had a colposcopy after some abnormal pap results, and the results came back bad so they had to remove the dangerous cells. So basically, they had to remove part of my cervix (I hope I’m explaining this correctly and am not misunderstanding my own medical procedure).

...holy shit. Over $3500 for a one bedroom?! Is this normal in the U.S.? I live in Canada and I thought our economy was shit...well damn. Between me and my boyfriend we each pay the same for our place that this guy does for a box. Perspective

He ain't dead yet in the books. But I'm assuming he's not important enough to live much longer, but his storyline has already deviated hugely from the books. On one hand, they pretty kick have to let Sansa kill him. On the other, he's one of the most interesting characters...I'm curious about his TV fate.

I can't hate. They look like they're genuinely having fun. If I had a baby shower, mcdicks would totally be on the menu!

Taylor is adorable and more relatable than I ever thought possible.

“The Voices” is a masterpiece.

This scene was disturbing and well done, but I definitely thought the bear was fully CGI during the attack. I’m not sure why they’d be ashamed to admit that either, it’s still an incredibly impressive example of live action and CGI interaction.

The job of the defence is to make the prosecution prove the defendant didn’t. All that happened with OJ was that the defence had a stronger case than the prosecution, and if more people had access to lawyers who would work that hard there would be far fewer innocent people in prison on a “deal” (meaning the true

Thank god I wasn't the only one...

True story, I pee’d on a dollar store pregnancy test and it came back positive...when I was a virgin.

One of my favourite “revelations” (okay, confirmations) from Mindy Kaling’s latest book was that everyone's hair is fake in Hollywood. Definitely makes me feel better about my whole situation.