Goddamn, Joy, that is cold.
Brienne as a mega-Stromtrooper?
Raised by Tusken Raiders or just killed a Tusken Raider and took his Gaffi Stick?
The downed Star Destroyer was just, just.....excuse me I need a moment to gather my thoughts before my head explodes.
Oh man, I can't wait for a new Spaceballs.
They're too old for this sort of thing.
You didn't mention the brief but very exciting part in Central City where Ray and Cisco are talking about the freak of the week not having been in the area during the explosion! How is he Meta indeed! Yay, opening up the world and possibly the door to Canary actually being the Canary! I squealed.
I've said for many years now that the Thrawn trilogy is decent at best. It's really less Star Wars and more Tom Clancy in Space. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It basically filled a gap of Star Wars at a crucial time and kept it in our heads.
Seriously more Anthony Mackie. He killed it as the falcon
I'm hoping they put this on DVD/Blu-Ray with a focus on the fight work, kudos to how they did it all.
Damn, and here I thought Chewie was...
Bruce Wayne: Wizard
Yes, because apart from the Big Two's events, there is absolutely nothing else worth reading in American comics.
When asked, Matt would only answer, "I've never seen her before."
Same here. We jumped straight from DVD to streaming/downloads.
I was really reluctant to get a cell phone. Why would I want to carry around a phone so people could get in touch with me all the time? I held out till 2004 before getting one. And I went through two generations of iPod Touches before getting a smart phone cause I didn't want to pay for a data plan.
I hope she gets sober, I hope her children get the help they need, and I really hope she gets away with all of Markham's money and that Raylan doesn't shoot her.
The UK and Ireland.
I'm a fan. I think Spader's natural speaking voice is creepy in its own way to pull it off.