Karl Prosek

this doesn't look wildly better than Michael Chiklis in the original Fantastic Four movie to me

The real Black Panther rumor is that Zamunda goes to war with Wakanda. IT'S ON!!!

What the fuck?

For a super intelligent Robot Ultron is a bit of an idiot. Most of his defeats can be chalked up to his own poor planning or stupid decisions.

Considering they already have an animated Planet Hulk movie, though, would they really retread the same ground like that?

Amadeus Cho's mom maybe? Intrigued.

I have to be honest, if they have the talent, they should jump the shark and commit. Ultimately, musical villains have a strong history in comics. Maybe not with the pied piper as the villain, but definitely viable, especially if they came out of no-where, and Ollie had to fight them, as the Batman proxy, he could be

I now desperately want them to just do a cover of the Buffy musical, opening with Oliver singing, "Every single night, the same arrangement: I go out and fight the fight..."

I still read a site about JA and I WILL NOT BE ASHAMED.*

She’s still on honeymoon. With herself.

Superman, judging from the kiss curl.


I imagine Ray gave some dumb introduction, Thea looking at him like, "Are you serious right now?" And Oliver is palming his face saying, "I know. I'm so sorry, Thea."

At the risk of repeating myself, the greatest possible Spider-Man movie would just be him trying to get across town with some MacGuffin while Kingpin or Norman puts a $50 million bounty on his head and every super-villain tries to take him down.

at least she has long hair again.

If only the F-35 turned into a giant robot...

I heard they kind of address this by saying Hell’s Kitchen fell back to crap after the alien invasion in Avengers.

"Oliver would never make me interact with other people ..."