Karljohan Pettersen

I did a search for "Leia" on the European Toys 'r' us website, and they did have two items featuring Princess Leia. This figure, and a Lego set. With Lego Princess Leia in slave outfit.

Maybe it's a Freedom Fries situation?

I seriously don't think they give a damn about it.

I'm not sure if people with total disregard for safety would be any good for any job

I am one of those sad people who know and care about music way more than is probably good for them. However, when I come across a fellow fan who also happens to be a woman, it makes me glad. And it's not to prove that I am so enlightened. Nor is it for lecherous reasons. It's for two reasons.
1: Because she is a

For me a big part of the charm of Peanuts is Schulz's scraggly line. I'm sad to see so little of it in the trailer. But it doesn't look bad, just not quite right.

I bet mine is worse. I've written shopping lists I was unable to decipher at the store.

Such a shame, it would have rocked. Not that the Walken picture doesn't rock. Because it totally does.

I've never seen the third Prophecy movie, but I'm sure that image makes it seem more interesting than it actually is. Oh, and welcome to Kotaku Weekends, Mike. Hope you survive the experience, as Chris Claremont would say.

Proof of countless hours spent playing shittiest games out there. Yay?

So just how UK-specific is it going to be? Asking as a non-UK-based European.

Molyneux is, or at least was, a great developer who damages his reputation with the things he says. It's difficult for people who weren't around back then to appreciate what a giant he was back in the Bullfrog days. I don't know if he changed, or if it was the ballooning budgets and logistics, or just having to spend

This takes me back a bit. Specifically to a certain room where there was nothing remarkable the first four or five times you examined it. I can appreciate that particular joke better now, a couple of decades later than I could at the time.

Is that Steven Tyler?

Yeah, like she ever finishes anything...

Is that some kind of bundle version or a budget re-release? Like most Origin Games, Wing Commander III came in a huge box.

Thanks for all the good times. And if there were any less than stellar articles, they're already forgotten, so let's just say they were all great. Good luck at your new job.

The Cave was a Ron Gilbert game though.

Over a hundred posts and not a single "gay protagonists - what about Gears of War" joke? Son, I am disappoint.

Recommended for the cool gif.