
Clearly he's more of a Yale man.

Son, you get wise—you get to Church

The Untouchables

The Blues Brothers is not as good as you remember it

I’m going to argue that The Fugitive is the best Chicago Movie of recent times. The Blues Brothers is not as good as you remember it; The Dark Knight is incredible but, while filmed largely in Chicago, takes place in “Gotham”. The only John Hughes film that counts, and the only alternative I’ll accept, is Ferris

*you have to watch this video for 2 1/2 minutes to see what happened...

Tony Romo was also hurt during the play.

He’s just trying to strike a blow against the evil umpire.

I’ve met, and enjoyed the presence of, Colorado School of Mines mascot Blaster the burro

No big news here. Army’s crapped on the field during the Army-Navy game fifteen years straight now.

I hate when people post random GIFs or memes, but this is life imitating art and I just can’t help myself...

+1 dead in Ohio

Nice going, Barry. It appears the Cincinnati Zoo has taken out their Twitter handle...

I don’t care. The internet trolling them for as long as it remains fun is all the accountability they were ever going to receive.

These tweets are almost as good as college gameday signs.

Leave the zoo’s Twitter account alone? This, from the same website that achieved some of its earliest notoriety for flooding the Barbaro message board (proto-twitter, kids) with the finest wit college students and bored lawyers could conjure up?

To be fair, whoever runs the Cinci Zoo’s Twitter handle kind of walked into that one, not unlike Harambe walking into the line of sight of his murderer.

this blog post is flawed, as it is premised upon feeling bad for anyone who runs a twitter account for a job.

Harambe would have read through all of the replies.