The World Is Dark & Full of Snitches

I live to watch him reach a ripe old age, where decrepitude and senility slowly take over. Where his legal problems are never ending, all his businesses fail, all his children fail, and where all his debts come due.

that throwing ex-Presidents in jail is largely a very bad precedent to set”

L. Sprague de Camp wrote a trilogy of novels under the overall title The Reluctant King. In it, our protagonist Jorian runs afoul of a kingdom that chooses its kings by lottery, every five years. After their five year reign each king is executed, and a new king is chosen. Again by lottery and at random. Jorian turns

I admire your optimism, if nothing else. I for one will not be breathing out until Biden has been in office a couple of months. We’re in probably won’t happen territory, not definitely won’t happen territory.

Not saying it could never happen, just not gonna happen any time soon.

That is the one silver lining to this mess, Trump went too fast to properly pack the military and he also started doing it too late in his term. He basically rode the coattails of the mob, rather than making the mob work for him [as opposed to The Mob, whom he definitely worked for], but that is also the danger. He’s

Seems to me the best way is to make sure he has a bottomless Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket.

Sore losing is a core GOP value.

The logic here seems to be “We did everything humanly possible to rig this election in our favor and we STILL lost?? That MUST mean the Dems cheated!”

The generals would go to Pelosi if he tries this. Also Flynn needs to be executed for treason.

If there is enough enlisted against them, then the brass can give whatever orders they want. That is the worry. Just because the senior officers despise him [citation needed], doesn’t mean the new juniors or the enlisted will necessarily obey them. That is where the risk of insurrection has to lie, and I don’t think

Take the L and die mad about it

Lol what a crybaby failure. Take the L and die mad about it, Donnie. 

Bring it. That’s a patently illegal order, which the military will not follow. Believe it or not, Trump is absolutely hated by the military (maybe not the MAGA hatted enlisted, but the people with stars on their shoulders are counting the days until he’s out).

When the dragging him out commences, it should be live streamed with April Ryan, Yamiche Alcindor and Weija Jang providing commentary; “Tyrone” (Erykah Badu) bumping in the background. 

“Cippolone told Trump he has no constitutional authority to do what he is suggesting.”

Yeah....these people calling for martial law to overturn an election are the same people who think that being asked to wear a mask is tyranny. They don’t see the irony.

He really takes being a sore loser to an extreme level of pathetic, huh.

I still believe that throwing ex-Presidents in jail is largely a very bad precedent to set, but I’m more than willing to test that with this guy.

You know what? Let them bring it. That way , when he gets dragged out the front door by his few hairs, the popcorn I eat while watching this, will only taste better.