
Huh. I would have said there was nothing on planet Earth and beyond that Tyson Beckford could do that would make him less attractive to me, but I think he maybe might have found the thing. That just did not do it for me.

I'm sure it's just the video, but looks like it it would glow in the dark. If sharks had glow-in-the-dark poop I might have to rethink my OMGSCARYGOAWAYNOPE policy I have on them currently. Apparently they already poop fish food, so I guess that's something.

The "why should I pay for other people's care with MY money, they're the ones who smoked and got cancer and it's not my fault why should I be responsible, and they don't even have a job so they're not paying taxes and just spending everybody else's money don't they know I'm better than them yargleblargle" argument is

I mean, they're not entirely wrong about the wait times. I work in an orthopaedic outpatient clinic, and while people get appointments to be seen within a matter of days (rare, but broken bones don't wait) they are guaranteed to sit and wait for two to three hours to be seen. Nobody is a fan of that. Appointments for

I'm fascinated/horrified by stories about the treatment of pregnant/new parent Americans. Like, seriously you guys. Seriously? It makes me realize that there are so many things that I take for granted as a Canadian. Our system is faaaar from perfect, but I'll never have to decide between taking my kid to the doctor or

Something about Nicky Minaj's nails really grosses me out. They look unsanitary or something, like they'd be hard to really get clean. Beyonce's shorts are not doing it for me, but I can't pinpoint why. They look kind of hiked up at the sides, like someone just finished giving her a wedgie.

My four-year-old daughter is having a heart attack from envy.

I've been in that boat. I've had episodes of depression since I was a child (I'm 36 now) and was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder in my late twenties. I've never been able to get any real relief from medications (and at this point I swear I've tried them all), and talk therapy isn't particularly helpful either.

Heck no. My feet grew half a size during my second pregnancy and stayed that way (I don't imagine feet shrink much). I had to get rid of a lot of shoes I really loved.

I'll admit to being somewhat impressed at the bravery it must take to intentionally put themselves between a pregnant lady and the thing she wants to eat. Like bitch, I will knock you down and not even notice if that's what it takes for me to get that sandwich.

I'll admit to doing this. I'm not really sure why, exactly, but I really can't stand being naked. Like, at all - whether there's an audience or not.

A woman who worked in the cafeteria at the hospital where I worked at the time of my second pregnancy gave me shit all the time about my morning Timmies. She couldn't be convinced that my one and only coffee of the day was going to result in anything other than some sort of two-headed mutant baby. One day I attempted

And it's so hard, because part of the parenting job is teaching our kids not to lie. I have tried to explain that there's a difference between lying and just not telling, sort of, but I didn't do very well - probably because when it comes down to it it's mostly semantics. But seriously, must we blab about the secret

I can't even begin to explain to you how much better you have made my day.

Totally. I have a four-year-old daughter, and if one wants one's idle gossip to remain private one should probably wait until she's not around to dish.

I ended up getting the measles in elementary school (there were a batch of us who seemingly had faulty vaccines), and I can tell you that the "wild" version was pretty fucking terrible. My mother is an RN and even she was concerned by just how sick I got - I was too sick to even watch TV and just lay on the couch in

My four-year-old just asked why that girl keeps shaking her bum so much and I didn't have an answer. That is one shaky bum.

Despite being vaccinated I got the measles when I was 12. I had a sleepover party with three or four other girls, and that was the morning I started to show symptoms. I think two of the other girls at the party also got measles, and another dozen or so classmates got them as well, all within a short amount of time. I

This is adorable.

I totally looked too. That woman has six kids, four of whom are age 2 and under. She looks FANTASTIC!