BTW, what is “less safe” about being barefoot vs wearing shoes? If you are going to drop a 45lb foot on your plate 1mm of fabric isn’t going to help.
BTW, what is “less safe” about being barefoot vs wearing shoes? If you are going to drop a 45lb foot on your plate 1mm of fabric isn’t going to help.
I lift barefoot which is my preferred method.
Chicago -
I’m speechless. I would honestly have thought that you had paid for that. I would pay for that. It is beautiful. It is the symbol of (y)our collective efforts since WISV has begun. Men and women alike weep at the sight of that cross section. Not only that, but you’ve taken a traditional and (relatively) complex dish,…
One caveat to the generic vs name brand OTC drugs. While the active ingredient is identical between the two (Claritin(R) tablets and Equate(R) Loratadine tablets both contain 10 mg of loratadine at the standard dose), the inactive ingredients may be different, which can affect people with food allergies (Claritin used…
Here’s my list.
The link is broken. It was updated on Evernote’s site to:…
LastPass inadvertently became my list. Last time I got a new credit card, I just opened up LastPass and just went down the list of websites, updating the card at the places that were important (automatic bill pays, services like PayPal and iPass, stores I shop at frequently enough to save my info at).
Short answer: Obsessively.
Long answer: Start here.
In fact, you should generally not insert random anythings into your anything.
Computers and medical care are a bad mix. The requirement for an “electronic health record” was foisted on the medical community from Washington. Like most government mandates, it mainly benefits those who administer the programs and sell the software which is buggy and inefficient. It raises the cost of medical care…
That sort of defeats the point of a PDF doesn’t it? Dozens of people in my office edit PDFs all day long, treating them essentially as if they are a Word file. At what point is line being crossed from being a “pdf” to just another text document?
The RICE method is outdated, most progressive PTs, MTs and trainers are moving away from it, as it can actually delay healing. Even the originator of RICE is opposed to it.…
Hastings is way, WAY too smart to believe that no one is using VPNs to stream out-of-region video. He’s only saying this here to appease the content owners who are forcing his hand. The fees Netflix pays to license content for streaming only licenses content for specific regions. The company has to demonstrate a good…
The federal government just released a new set of dietary guidelines, and as always, they’re a work of both science…
Stronglifts 5x5, for most people, “New Rules of Lifting for Women” or “Strong Curves” (both are books) for women. Weight loss mostly comes from diet, however. Get your food in line, and weight training will allow you to maintain your lean mass (best way to keep metabolism from tanking while cutting calories). You want…
Just a couple of things to note. Some of the hardest exercises I have ever done involve nothing but body weight. When I can’t get to the gym (or even at the gym) I find myself doing a lot of body weight exercises.
RE: fresh vegetables. Learn to love frozen ones. Frozen is cheaper because it doesn’t have to be priced for spoilage, and it’s often more nutritions because it’s picked at its peak and perfectly preserved until you eat it.
And come on, that 9th shoe is just a waste. I wear all of mine in pairs. Much easier than mixing and matching. It’s my favorite minimalist lifehack. You’re welcome.
The analogy could account for that with the glue! The last paper towel to come off the roll is usually glued on and takes some extra tugging to pull off.