Note turn off the greys.
Note turn off the greys.
I’d vote for an elephant, a tree frog, hell I’d vote for a tree before I voted for Trump.
I am confusion...I’ this alphabetical blackface? They do realize we can tell the difference between white-passing brethren and the pastiest of caucasity right?
Atlanta contractor and Air Force veteran Kelvin King got on stage and praised Trump’s economic agenda and thanked the president for “making the black community a priority.”
It’s the racism that keeps most blacks from going full on Republican. There certainly is a conservative strain among older blacks, but they know well enough to not to buy into Trumps bullshit.
Turns out we misheard Trump back then, and he really said there was going to be so much whining we would get tired of it.
if don jr wasn’t such a huge steaming pile of shit i would feel bad for him. He writes a 300 page ode to his dad because he desperately wants his approval. He probably gave his dad a copy with a heart felt message written inside the cover. He knows his dad will never read his book and the copy he gave him will wind up…
I am the father of a son who has just become a young man. My youngest son has always been uber sensitive. Not in an annoying brattish way but was super non confrontational and into his relationship with the Lord. His older brother and sister never were mean about this, but they sensed how me and his mother were just…
So, the man claiming he isn’t allowed to speak... is actually speaking... in his own book.
Wouldn’t it be fun to have Derp Jr. spend a day at Walter Reed’s prothetics clinic and share with some of those folks the stories of sacrifices.
RIGHT?! Dude, voicing your opinion is literally what All you do.
There we go.
This book was obviously mistitled. This man needs an editor.
I legit laughed at, “or about the twelve-hour days I worked at Trump Org.” OKAY, BUDDY. I’m sure he’s including breakfast/lunch/dinner meetings and all the time being chauffeured around, etc. That’s hilarious. I mean, I just laugh at the idea of a 12 hour work day being a long day. When I waited tables or worked at…
It’s even worse.
“If you’re going to build a building, you’d better know how to dig a foundation... that you can later grift into paying for the building for you.”
So in summation, DT Jr. explains how he is a twat from a family of twats who doesnt think he is a rich twat while doing rich twat things and is be persecuted as a rich white twat for saying and doing things as a rich white twat within a book that tells people he shouldnt be told he is a rich white twat when he says…
I admire his commitment to crafting a jawline via facial hair. His beard is almost good enough to make you forget that a defining familial trait is the wattle.
Is it just me, or does his wife/girlfriend look like Melania? It’s probably just me. Or that the picture is too small, and I’m too lazy to zoom in. Nobody wants to zoom in on Don Jr.
Probably bad dental work and the tongue thing. I notice it when people usually have a tongue too big(wide) for their mouthes, but who knows with him. Again, always amazing how bad the dental work is with these people’s mouthes. From Ivanka’s god awful veneers, to whatever his issue is. And he does the stupid thing…