
I’m late to this party but I was about to take up for you myself. I was instantly annoyed by the ‘weird self righteous aloofnes’ comment! You are none of those thing, and most assuredly not dumb. I always enjoy your clever witty and insightful comments.

Just the way Sarah Huckaboon Poundcake speaks is enough to make me lose my shit. And then the things that she *says*... ugh

Jesus christ. The horrors just keep coming.

Starred for WNEP (also my local affiliate). Also starred for your insight on the WOLF propaganda. Every time I have to go to any Geisinger building they’re playing Faux news in the waiting room.

Apparently leaking ages one.

5 years? Fuck Texas. Fuck District Judge Ruben Gonzalez. Fuck Trump and ICE and anyone who thinks this is ok. Fuck me, we’re all fucked. 

With a smile, and without fucking up her manicure.

Look at how they’re looking at each other. If they’re not a couple, they’re missing a great chance to be, and are perhaps a tiny bit dim. (;

I’m stealing this. #sorrynotsorry

The toenails! I snarfed coffee.

Two things... 1. God that tattoo is awful. 2. Katy Perry: grow the fuck up. Now I feel like my intense dislike of her is less irrational

I’m not interesting at ALL. Can we be friends?

unbutthole is my new favorite word

Right? He could have that life AND look like his slack jawed half brothers.

Maybe some nice school related human can adopt him? That. Poor. Kid.

FOR HIS OFFICE. Not even his house, as I’d assumed when I saw the very first headline today. A $31k dining set for your office. Fuck right off with that nonsense.

I would actually like to be the person who tells her. Where do I find that application?

I’m pretty sure that dog (?!) is going to cause me to wake up screaming in the middle of the night. In fact I might scream now. What the actual fuck?

Any ways to get around the paywall that are suitable for lazy people?

Humor as a coping mechanism is like my religion. Well that and naps. (;