
So basically they got in formation, proved they have coordination and slayed before they got eliminated? Sorry had to do a Beyonce reference lol

More because he cracks me up

extrememely for sure my bud

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.

Human needs both arms and a windup to pitch raccoon down flight of stairs.

I think it would have ended with my husband, and just my husband walking down the street. Because I only signed up to take care of the baby I gave birth to.

I’m surprised because, for one shining moment, he didn’t have the smallest hands in the room.

You know, we need more vague in our country, lots of great vague, we’re going to have the greatest vague and really vague the spirits of the Mexicans and the blacks. Vague even the gays. We’re going to have the best vague of any country in the country.

That gif is amazing. I also like this version of it:


This is my cat pretending she is dead...on the middle of the road....where cars drive down constantly. We have one dog, 2 cats, 3 ducks, and 4 chickens. Everyone gets along ALMOST fine. One cat with the dog beef every once in a while, and the ducks will sometimes try to eat a chicken’s face. But other than that, we

Let’s look back at how this journey began...

Creating a burner to tell this story that I have never said out loud or even typed.

Was it this guy?

Damn, that’s some 1980s rich-guy movie-villain stuff. Sorry you got that nonsense.

10 or 20 years earlier that girl would’ve gotten in too. I went to ‘SC in the late 90s and those girls were there but they stayed on the Row and definitely weren’t in my engineering classes. There’s a distinct line between the rich enough to afford it and the poor enough to get good scholarships and financial aid. I

All joking aside, it kind of is cultural appropriation!

What an unspeakably ugly thing for her to say. I don’t really have much to add, just wanted to pop in to say Fight On and you’re a credit to our alma mater.

Awesome take, Karen. While my story is slightly different. I attended college on the GI Bill and working 20 - 30 hours a week while taking 14 - 18 hours a semester. I guarantee you that I deserved it. As a matter of fact, I have a deep feeling that I way overpaid in sweat equity what I was given.